August 23, 2004

More incision photos

Here are the incision photos I promised earlier.

There's not much new, but I know some of you are curious.

Day 15 - august20a.jpg - you can see a little bruising still on the top of the incision site and of course the pubic hair is really irritated where the surgi-tape was. I don't know if it's because some of those hairs were ingrown because of the tape or if the tape itself is irritating.

Day 16 - august21a.jpg - there's a lot less of a difference from day to day now.

Day 17 - august22a.jpg - more of the same.

Day 18 - august23a.jpg - not much different except maybe it looks like I'm losing weight. Or maybe I sucked my gut in when I shot this photo.

I know I shouldn't be impatient, but I'd like it to heal a little quicker but thankfully it's not as itchy as it was the first two weeks!

Any questions or feedback? Feel free to email me.

Posted by Elizabeth M. on August 23, 2004 06:46 PM

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