August 11, 2004

tests and more tests

so nice!! You wanna hear something crazy? Okay we went camping at Fort Pickens (soooo nice and only 120.00 for 6 nights 7 days, can't stay in a hotel on the beach for that in Florida right?) Anyway our pop-up was right next to the bathroom, I was soooo happy. So Monday they decide to close it until Thursday ::look of shock and panic:: Yeah for any normal person this doesn't mean a darn thing, you may just have to walk a little further to the next bathroom, but for a person with UC or Crohn's it is a very scary thing to not have a bathroom available just in case. So everything was going good, no problems with tummy UNTIL Wed. night, Oh damn. My very understanding husband offers to drive me to the bath house so I don't have to keep walking (running) back and forth. The big D (Diarrhea) started about 6 or so in the afternoon didn't stop until close to 11 that night, at one point I was in the bathroom for close to an hour, ugghh. How totally embarrassing since it was a public restroom, I almost cried, I just wanted my stomach to stop hurting and the diarrhea to stop, I ended up taking Immodium and it finally stopped. Anyway other than that our trip was awesome, it was a much needed vacation:O)

Posted by Leslie on August 11, 2004 07:38 AM

I know what you mean about people not taking you seriously when it's not something that's easy to diagnose or see, like a broken arm or an infection. It's even more difficult with bowel things because our society really doesn't like to hear about poop - it's absurd because we're so obsessed about food, you'd think we'd talk about the whole process!I hope that your procedure went well and it helps with your treatment.

Posted by: Elizabeth M. at August 17, 2004 01:59 PM

DATE: 9/10/2004 03:53:15 PM
Hi Elizabeth!! I didn't get a notification in my email that anyone posted a comment here, Anyway hello! And I hear ya about the tummy thing, I mean who wants to hear you talk about poop? lol I have a heard time talking to Drs. about it much less family.
TITLE: Florida was...
AUTHOR: Leslie
DATE: 8/9/2004 01:37:52 PM

Posted by: Leslie at January 1, 2005 11:55 PM

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