Twelve weeks? Thirteen weeks? Pull free
I'm not sure how long I've been pull free, I'll have to look back in my blog. My hair is feeling pretty good. I don't worry anymore about going in the pool and getting my hair wet. I don't worry about anyone coming over after I take a shower, or about anyone seeing my blow dry my hair. My hair looks pretty scrappy, but my sister cut it for me and it looks much better. I just would all grow evenly and faster.
Sometimes I worry about how long this pull-free status will last. How many times have I gone pull-free only to start pulling again? I feel scared and less confident. But I was watching a Joyce Meyer DVD with my sister and she was talking about problems and thinking confidently. I really believe that this time "Jesus came by" with healing for my trich...and that I will continue to be pull free. I was ready for a pull free spell, it came to me easily, and now, whether I have to work it, pray it, sweat it, or whatever, I will be pull free for a very long time.
The sun is coming up right now and the sky is exploding with color. I"m going to stop typing and go watch the sun come up and be thankful to the Lord that I'm pull free.
Until next time.
Posted by Cody on June 29, 2008 2:58 AM
Been pull free myself since June 5th. Noticed a significant decrease in the anxiety and "need" to pull (like a light switch was turned off) when I switched to a birth control without estrogen. I've now been free for almost a month. My hair is growing back, like you said, fluffy in places, but it feels so good not to care if it's blowing in the wind :)
its been seven days today since i last pluck eyelashes and i feel great, this morning i check and they i growing back. i still have some bald spots. i can't wait to see them all back.
relapse yesterday
i am bald,i wonder why i do this. I am 35 and been doing this for so long. finally i am bald. i pray to stop.
congratulations on your achievement. thats really good.
i admire your self control . i have a habit im trying to stop too. its been about twelve days. thanks for the inspiration.