September 2, 2005

Pulling hair a little bit

I've been pulling here and there the past three days but nothing major. Not enough to do any damage...just enough to stop my progress. Tonight has been pull free though. I know that tomorrow I can be stronger and fight harder and be pull free instead.

I feel pretty blessed tonight to have all that I have. A home with clean major disasters. We've been watching the news coverage of Hurrican Katrina and it's difficult to see. We are unsure right now what to do to help. We're hoping someone local will start something that we can contribute to, whether it be care packages or donations, etc. It's been a terrible disaster. And hard for me to imagine in my safe little corner of the world tonight. My prayers go out to all those in need tonight, in the South and elsewhere. We all need to do the best that we can do at this time.

Many of my friends are having a hard time paying for gas at the pump, but it seems the prices are going down now. I feel very grateful that I don't have to drive anywhere on a regular basis. The effects of this hurricane are everywhere I guess.

I don't know if I should really talk about anything else tonight. I don't want to be criticized by random commentors.

Until next time.

Posted by Cody on September 2, 2005 9:21 PM


Hi, I'm a 21 year old female and I pull my eyebrows and eyelashes. I hate it! My eyebrows arn't noticable but I think my eyelashes would be if I didn't wear any eyeliner.....I won't go anywhere without it on!

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