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July 11, 2006
Cuddle Ewe Underquilt
I began using a Cuddle Ewe Underquilt back in January. According to their site, a Cuddle Ewe Underquilt is "layer of thick natural wool batting sewn within a soft and breathable cotton cover." The Cuddle Ewe is about four inches thick and is placed on top of your mattress. It is made of all natural materials.
The first night I spent sleeping on the Cuddle Ewe, I couldn't believe how comfortable it was. Because the quilt distributes your weight evenly, it gives the sensation of floating on a cloud. Their website claims the quilt can reduce morning stiffness, aches and pains, and reduce fatigue. I sometime get pain at night in an ankle that I fractured a few years ago and I can say it feels better when I sleep on the Cuddle Ewe. I've read about a lot of people with fibromyalgia having good results with it. In fact, Cuddle Ewe is a sponsor of the National Fibromyalgia Association.
After a couple months I got used to sleeping with the "Ewe" and didn't realize what a difference it was making until I went on vacation and slept on an Ewe-less bed. It really does make a difference and I can only imagine how it might make a huge difference to people with chronic pain disorders such as fibromyalgia.
The Ewe comes in six sizes, including Long Twin and California King. There are accessories available to make your sleeping experience even more dreamy: sheets, comforters, pillows, blankets and comforters. There's even a Travel Ewe for those who just can't leave home without it.
The Cuddle Ewe is fairly expensive. Starting at $201.00 for the Twin Size and going up to $383 for the California King, it is definitely an extra investment above and beyond regular bedding. For those with chronic pain issues or who need that extra bit of comfort to get a good night's rest, then it's probably worth the price.
Cuddle Ewe
National Fibromyalgia Association
Reviewed by Tracy
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You don't have to buy their sheets. You can buy deep pocket sheets at any bedding store. I found some great deep pocket organic cotton sheets at Bed Bath & Beyond.
I have one and have had it for about 8-9 months now. I LOVE it!I highly recommend it. I also bought the CuddleEwe comforter to go along with it. I have it over my top sheet and under my quilt. It's warm in the winter and keeps me cool in the summer. Not sure how that works, as it is wool and you'd think it would be hot, but it's not. I recently spent the night at a hotel. Oh my God! I did not have my Cuddle Ewe (or comforter, which I could have laid on) and I am still hurting from it. It DOES make a HUGE difference in the pressure point areas. Yes, it is expensive, but well worth it.

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Love the name of this! Sounds like a winner. Will only their bedding fit?