June 17, 2007
Self-Talk - My Own Best Coach
I find it has been useful, when I start getting deep in my doldrums, looking into that inner darkness of a thousand unknowns, to shake myself up with self-talk.
Basically it is giving myself a peptalk. I speak to myself and push myself to snap out of this funk, and go about life.
Surprisingly, it works more often than not. I use the anger and frustration I am feeling when my body parts are not cooperating and basically boot-camp myself into action.. some sort of action.. anything.
I think that hearing it from myself I can take things far easier than if there were someone over me haranguing me. Many of us grew up being haragued by others and thus have so many built in shut-down systems against that. Self-talk sort of short-circuits that by being from you.
Does it feel weird? Yeah. You think.. well, only crazy people talk to themselves, right? If you want to try this, you will have to get beyond that limiting concept.
You are going to have to plant the idea in your mind that you do know what is best for yourself at the essential deep level. From that place, a place of strength despite circumstance, the place that goes regardless of what happens to your body, the place where the strength you often forget you have resides. From there you will coach yourself. From that place of strength you will have a clarity needed to direct your faltering body.
The power of self-talk is that you know your excuses, you know the games you pull. Self-talk involves busting yourself when you try to weasel out or play these games thatr have truly not served you or your best purposes.
So you out there.
What are you waiting for?
This stuff works.
The sooner I shut up, the sooner you'll be able to hear from yourself.
Posted by Lalo on June 17, 2007 1:56 AM