August 13, 2004

Shaken Not Stirred

My apologies for not updating this diary in the past several days. I haven't felt like I had anything worth saving for posterity, you know?
It's been just an average week, good days and off days, things come and they go.
Foot pain has been an issue. I haven't read about this anywhere but I'm discovering that the toes on my left foot are starting to curl and clench as I walk around, kind of stiffening as my fingers first did on my left hand.
We will see I suppose if anything comes of that.
Because of feeling down, I haven't been getting out at all except for absolute necessities.
But I'll be all right.
You watch.
I'd like to publically thank those who left comments for me on my last entry. I take these letters to heart and they have helped to keep me focused and lighter in heart. I thank you for taking the time to share of yourself with me.

Posted by Lalo on August 13, 2004 10:21 PM

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