Orthopedic News

Health Diaries > Health News > Orthopedic News > December 2005

December 27, 2005

Alcohol Can Damage Bones

Bone loss is an often-overlooked consequence of heavy drinking, but recent research has illuminated how alcohol takes a toll on the bones, according to a new report.

In a review of cell, animal and human studies, Dr. Dennis A. Chakkalakal of the Omaha VA Medical Centre in Nebraska describes how heavy drinking leads to bone loss, higher risk of fractures and slower healing of bone breaks. (MSNBC)

Posted by news editor at 08:56 AM

December 13, 2005

Hospitals Reusing Single Use Medical Devices

A growing number of U.S. hospitals, including at least eight in the Washington area, are saving money by reusing medical devices designated for one-time use, ignoring the warnings of manufacturers, which will not vouch for the safety of their reconditioned products. (Washington Post)

Posted by news editor at 09:11 AM

December 08, 2005

Botox May Relieve Pain of Tennis Elbow

A new study has found that an injection of Botox relieves the pain of tennis elbow for up to three months. The findings of the study have been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

The new study is the first to find that botulinum toxin injections outperformed a placebo in the treatment of tennis elbow. In this case, injections of plain saline served as the placebo. (Reuters UK)

Posted by news editor at 03:29 AM

December 04, 2005

Woman in France Has First Partial Face Transplant

Physicians in France said they had performed the world's first partial face transplant, advancing into a risky medical frontier with an operation on a woman disfigured by a dog bite.

The 38-year-old woman, who has asked to remain anonymous, had a nose, lips and chin grafted onto her face from a brain-dead donor whose family gave consent. The operation, performed Sunday, included a surgeon famous for transplant breakthroughs, Jean-Michel Dubernard. (Washington Post)

Posted by news editor at 05:44 AM