February 12, 2005


I am happy to say that my son has never done better in his life. Next week he will begin a job at a local restaurant. He has made some changes in his life since I last posted.

One change was for him to extricate himself from a very tightly bonded friendship that was ultimately dragging my son down. This other person was not determined to live above his mental disorder, but rather to let it control him. It was difficult for my son to disengage from this friendship but once having done so he tells me that he feels much more "free".

My son's schizophrenic symptoms are at an all-time low and what he does see through a hallucination he quickly dismisses. He knows that they are not real.

My son has also joined an on-line Christian support and prayer group which he has found to be very valuable. On a daily basis he now study's the Bible and is contact with others like him. Through prayer requests, posting and phone calls he has made some huge strides in living above schizophrenia.

Posted by Kathy on February 12, 2005 12:51 PM