Main » August 2004
August 31, 2004
I've been feeling a bit
I've been feeling a bit down and a bit overwhelmed by the care needed for my son lately. He needs a job so that is isn't home constantly. He's tried so very hard to get a job ANYWHERE!!! He can and has workedd in the past. I'm hoping that with kids gone back to school that may open up some opportunities for him.
Other than that he is doing exceptionally well. His SZ symptoms are quite a bit diminished as is his anxiety. His biggest complaint is that of having nothing to do. I'm hoping he can get some sort of job soon!!!!
Posted by Kathy at 09:07 AM | Comments (0)
August 27, 2004
Home from the hospital......
My son is now home from the hospital and is doing exceptionally well. He is on different meds and lower dosages than before. His anxiety and OCD prooblems have lessened and his SZ symptoms are greatly reduced. Which makes me a happy mom!!!
Posted by Kathy at 09:44 AM | Comments (2)
August 15, 2004
Update on my son
My son is still in the psych hospital. He has been moved from the maximum security unit he was first in to a floor where there is much more independence and activities. He has taken an interest in his appearance...whcih is a good sign for him. On Monday he is to be exaluated to see if he would qualify to get into a SIP apartment. (Supported Independent Program). After that it will take about a month or so to actually find him a placement.
His schizophrenic symptoms have greatly diminished....and he is on lower dosages of the same meds he was taking before. The one thing that has been great to see is that Paxil has been added to his list of meds. This particular med is a huge help to him with anxiety and OCD behavior.
So....all in all he is doing well.
Posted by Kathy at 11:39 AM | Comments (0)
August 05, 2004
Things change by the hour...
One minutes it's this and the next it's that. One p doc says he should remain inpatient till he can be placed in a SIP apartment. The next doc says he should be discharged, go home, and wait it out at home.
I wonder how the p doc would feel if he had to spend his life with someone who recently had a homicidal psychotic episode???
Posted by Kathy at 10:11 AM | Comments (2)
August 01, 2004
Doing much better
In the past week Dan is doing much better in regards to having psychotic symptoms. He was put on a once a month time released injection of Haldol and it has done him wonders! Unfortunately the drug also has some serious long term he will have to be carefully monitored. He is still hallucinating but once again he has learned how to tell the "real" people from the hallucinations. When in doubt he just asks one of the staff if that person is real or not.
He will more than likely be moved to a different floor of the hospital this week. The floor he is on is for severely mentally ill people and Dan has recovered enough that he no longer needs that level of care. From there he will decide whether to go to a group home or an assisted living residence.
As for me...I am just thanful to have my son back!!!
Posted by Kathy at 03:58 AM | Comments (2)