July 10, 2004
Finding a cure for schizophrenia....
Because I have two grown kids who have schizophrenia, a cure would be the most marvelous miracle anyone could hand me...or to the rest of the population who tries to cope with this mental illness. Watching your kids talk to someone who is not there is not fun at all!
My son Dan asks me often..."did you call me" and of course I didn't call him....it's just something he alone "hears". Or the paranoia that comes with SZ. Dan has different things he is VERY afraid of. One of them is bees. If he even comes near one he runs for his life...whichc looks rather odd since you can't see anything following him.
A cure....I don't read any hard evidence that the medical profession is anywhere close to a cure. The best they have been able to do is to develop new meds that have less side effects and work more efficiently than the older meds. One of these days...one of these years though I DO believe they will have a cure.
My son has accepted the fact that SZ is something you have for life. It won't go away, you can't get healed of it....you live with it for the rest of your life. Me? I keep hoping for a cure.
Posted by Kathy on July 10, 2004 10:38 AM