July 08, 2004
A Heartbreaking incident....
During the time that my son was hospitalized he attempted to commit suicide once. I don't know if there is anything more painful as your loved child attmepting to take his life. He had written good-bye notes to the family. He then took a sharp pencil and attempted to pierce his heart. He did break through his chest wall but not into his heart. When the hospital called me I was without words. They considered this a very serious attempt because of all the planning that he had done. Also I had found out that it WAS possible to stab yourself in the heart with a pencil....it had been done before fatally wounding the person. Needless to say Dan was put on suicide watch and we as a fmaily were left to nurse our wounds as well as show as much love and compassion possible to Dan. What else could we do at that point?
Posted by Kathy on July 8, 2004 03:52 AM