Health Diaries » Becoming My Passion » October 2007
October 19, 2007
Blood Pressure: 138/65
Pulse 72
Weight 506
I haven’t had a Blood pressure this low in years! Wild! I didn’t weigh in today I’m going to weigh in on Sunday I think. Took it easy today, a little computer time and writing. That’s the best news I’ve had in such a long time. My life is going to be so much better after I get below 500lbs and stay below it!!! I just can’t wait!!!!
Posted by ijellorca at 5:44 PM | Comments (0)
October 18, 2007
Water, My Body's Best Friend.
Blood Pressure: 149/77
Pulse 72
Weight 506
Blood pressure’s trying to normalize. I’m down another 3 pounds, but barely eating, if at all. My thought process is that the more excess weight/FAT I can get off the better to avoid a stroke or worse. I mean, which would you rather have, food or life??? I don’t’ know quite why I never looked at that bottom line before, but it’s very real to me now. I’m still ridiculous though had a couple cookies yesterday even though they tasted too sweet. I will probably throw them out, they seemed stale, if not, it’s a good excused to waste food. I’m not afraid of them it is simply just not what I want to eat unconsciously, and they really did seem stale. That particular cookie jar doesn’t seal like the old one. Okay who cares about all this crap, I’ve got 6 more pounds before I reach 500! That’s a big number I’ve been battling for the past year. I’ll be in the 400’s soon and that’s surely something to work toward! The new ticker will be 500 to 399. I can’t wait to switch. I hope I can this weekend! I’ll re-measure my body after reaching 499. Water is my best friend these days. It works harder for me than anything, other than my heart! My goal is to be hungry all the time, then, I know my fat will be burned. I’m going to learn to enjoy hunger pangs in my stomach, and I want to go to bed hungry every night. I want to get my Blood Pressure down below 140 at least with the next hundred pounds I lose. It’s taken a while, but I’m on my way, that I can feel! Someone asked me what I was doing because they could see some loss in my body (I can’t) I told them water.
Posted by ijellorca at 12:55 PM | Comments (0)
October 17, 2007
Last Scare and Push Needed!
Blood Pressure: 156/82
Pulse 72
Weight 509
Neck: 18
Chest: 77.5
Upper Arm: 22
Waist: 81.5
Hips: 84.5
Thigh: 52
Calf: 24.5
Those are the digits; here's the situation. Two days ago I woke up ran upstairs for what I thought was a dog emergency felt instantly extremely tired. Tried to make a phone call and it didn't work so I tried to email a friend to call phone company, my typing was all sporadic and confused and when I tried to use the phone again it worked but as I tried to talk I was experiencing what they call Aphasia, loss of speech control. Last all of maybe 5 minutes. I found out later I experienced what they call a TIA Transient Ischemic Attack. Sometimes it's referred to as a mini-stroke. It was the most frightening upsetting day of my life. My blood pressure was off the charts for the past two days
I started an aspirin regiment to help thin the platelets and I’m going to try taking some herbal blood pressure remedies to avoid traditional medicine unless I can't get my blood pressure to consistently stay down. I give myself a month to change things around super fast or I'm checking in to a hospital.
Last week I started taking One A Day Women's formula to help regulate my periods, which before last week started coming out extremely heavy with horrendously huge chunks of I assume cervical lining.
Lot of stressors for me. Haven't been feeling well. I still want to take it easy today and I probably will. I've got 2 and a half more months before the end of the year and I will not go into the next year this way I will not go into November this way either!
I'm drinking my water and trying to remember the absolute pain and work I've been putting on my heart, liver, kidneys, and lungs... not to mention my bones and skin. How could someone I thought was so good treat anyone this way? What was I thinking? Certainly not about me. This is one tragedy I can do something about.
Posted by ijellorca at 5:45 AM | Comments (2)