Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
September 16, 2007
Anniversary feelings...PTSD remnants
It's been six years since my assaults, and I haven't been sleeping for past few weeks, other than an hour here or 2-3 hours there. Some days not at all. I feel depressed and moody. I guess it's realizing how shifted I am from who I used to be. Even though the weight's coming off, and I've moved on in many ways it's just a tragic time for me. I keep thinking it won't affect me anymore, but then within weeks of the event I get unexplained low feelings and sleep loss as well as jumpiness and hypersensitivity to everything. I'm a raw nerve. Then 9/11 anniversary happens a few weeks later so I just get the double whammy. I'm going to have to figure out a new paradigm to this time of the year... haven't been successful at this yet, but I know it's the only way to keep me from dropping in a hole every fall. I'm down more weight but too tired to go change the ticker or fitday just yet. I've been too exhausted to really think through typing and computer stuff. I do my classes and that's about it. More later I promise,just not sure when... maybe after I get real sleep.
Posted by ijellorca on September 16, 2007 10:47 PM | DIGG | | furl

Why haven't you posted lately? I have read your whole journal and am intrested in how you are doing now. Please continue to post, i enjoy your writing, and it flows so freely on the page.I know you can do whatever you set your mind to. You are a strong person and I admire you for all you have been thru. Please continue to write, you are very tallented.....
S. Tate, thank you for your comments. I lose focus depending on my moods and what storm's hitting my shores at the time. One thing's for sure when I do post to my journal I have a healthier behaviors. Self-reflection sure cleans out the cobwebs...but it is soo very difficult to face. Take care, and thank you for the encouraging words and your healing energy. Blessings to you, Ij.
Why haven't you posted lately? I have read your whole journal and am intrested in how you are doing now. Please continue to post, i enjoy your writing, and it flows so freely on the page.I know you can do whatever you set your mind to. You are a strong person and I admire you for all you have been thru. Please continue to write, you are very tallented.....