Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
July 22, 2007
Lazy Sunday with Ice water
Blood Pressure: 149/89 Pulse: 63
My blood pressure is slightly better today. I still haven’t gotten my exercise into a constant routine. I’ve gained 2 lbs, which isn’t a great thing, but I’m choosing not to panic and lose my mind over it, I’ll change the ticker if I gain another pound but otherwise just changed Fitday. I know that will change back down in the next week. I know, because I’ve got some workouts and salad that says I’m right! That and the blessed water I drink constantly. It’s hard to believe there was a time when I actually craved pop, or anything else to drink. Ice-cold water has become such an addiction to me. I’m looking for that exercise addiction to develop too, then this body will start changing like the speed of light. I really should set up the camera to take my picture weekly just so I can see the changes. I don’t have to show it to anyone but myself, or possibly tape to the bathroom mirror. Maybe I should start out doing a picture once every two weeks though, I’m not sure there will be much difference physically in one week. We’ll see. Meanwhile, it feels like a lazy Sunday to me.
I used to think that Sundays were supposed to have “BIG BREAKFASTS” with eggs meat, waffles, hash browns, and grits, whatever. Then you could lie around reading the Sunday paper or go see a movie and drink mochas all day. Now a lazy Sunday is more like not being rushed to do what I want to get done and breakfast…well it just doesn’t entice me that way anymore. I think about the eggs and the bacon and I think I’d rather not deal with the mess of cleaning it all back up, not to mention that I don’t feel like the heavy weight of such a breakfast. I really don’t feel like eating anything. I thought about the fruit breakfast but it just doesn’t seem like something my stomach wants to tackle and since it’s a lazy day. Why eat at all? Before I get hungry though I’ll probably grab a bowl of soup later, but otherwise. I can’t think of anything I rather have than some ice cold water. I'm going to go warm up the couch a bit, it's looking kind of lonely!
Posted by ijellorca on July 22, 2007 11:34 AM | DIGG | | furl