Becoming My Passion

Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion

May 26, 2007

Packed and Pooped!

Thanks to space bags, I was able to get even a pillow packed. My entire luggage fit into a carry on backpack and one larger roll on. Instead of checking my luggage on board I’ll carry it to the cabin and that way I can disembark without waiting for my luggage the day the cruise ends. The only things not packed are my journal and the two books I’ll take just in case. It took all day to organize everything and get through my list. There’s been lots of nonsense from my mother and sister, but then I guess that’s par for the course. As much as they travel, it’s always disjoint and they leave something behind or are late.

I was going to take a different outfit for each day but my sweetie pared me down to two pair of revolving pants, three turtlenecks, a fleece top and velvet top with a couple corduroy jackets and a parka. He said seven days doesn’t warrant so many clothes. Hey, makes sense when I feel how light my luggage is. There is a laundry room if I should feel so inclined to clean a pair of pants or shirt. So I packed little tiny boxes of detergent, just in case. Since I don’t leave until Sunday around 11 AM, I am way ahead of the game, as far as the trip goes…School work I am almost out of time to get all the work done for next week when I’ll be gone, and the papers I must write in before I leave Sunday AM.

I’m so tired, but I’m going to watch a good scary movie to help me settle down into the blankets and relax…yes, monster movies have such a different affect on me compared to other people. It’s a childhood thing and the times I remember with my siblings that makes me feel safe, not the creepy stories, but where they take me. Time to take me to bed.

Posted by ijellorca on May 26, 2007 3:27 AM | DIGG | | furl



I was just googleing the Daniel fast & came across your blog. I just want to encourage you. You are an amazing writer, and just a beautiful person. I
found myself just reading on...and at timesyou drew me to tears, and others my heart bounced with joy at your joys.

It looks like the last time you wrote was May 26...i pray you had a wonderful vacation and just forgot your worries and enjoyed Gods immesurable creation. I pray you will be back, and writing inspire me.

Prayers sent your way! Your friend in Christ,


Well, i just finished reading it all...from begining to end. At times i felt like I was reading a diary and felt I should stop.
I didn't.
Having my own weight issues, my head/heart have told me the same things you write about, but i'm not a writer like you, Thanky ou for making me feel a little less alone in this.

God Bless your honesty and your will to never give up, I do hope you come back...

Nan 8-)

Thank you Nan, for you sweet comments and taking the time to read the inner workings of my mind and life. You honor me with your kind words. My vacation was actually heart wrenching, but I learned a lot about myself and revelations were made about myself and others who I allowed to disturb my inner peace. I grew up just a little more from that experience. I had to face myself completely and I've been doing it to the point that hunger doesn't live here anymore, just longing. Longing for an unobtrusive body and a healthier mind, body and soul. I started seeing how much there is to value about me. It's very emotional for me still because I find myself asking myself "How could you treat someone like you like this?" I know it sounds cyclical, but for years my self-talk has been toxic and degrading. Even the vacation I went on to please other people even though I had misgivings, serious ones. I convinced myself I could handle it. I was wrong, but the good out of it all is I refuse to do anything I do not feel comfortable with or do not intrinsically feel at peace doing. I honor me more. Afterall, I am a child of God too, and I have no right mistreating any children of God, including me.

Anyways Nan, I pray that you see your true inner beauty, we all have it, even the creepiest serial killer has a beauty because we were all made whole and pure, other influences makes us think otherwise and thus the awful ways we treat one another as well as ourselves.

Please stay in touch, should you choose to do so, if that works for you, but more than this... Remember there is no one on this earth that can do you as well as you can, therefore you are a unique treasure that God made you to be! Blessings. Ij

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