Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
January 8, 2007
When Weight loss Goals Go Wrong
My weight has gone up 3 lbs! Well there’s a response to a stressful week where I obviously ate a few too many chocolate treats for that time of the month. Before now I never had cravings during my period, but well I guess the older I get the more my body goes through changes…okay as if that isn’t known by the whole world. Still it’s strange to start having the issues that most women start out with.
I took on a challenge for 2 weeks. A salad, bowl of popcorn, and at least one protein shake will make up my eating every day. I will have other things, but these I must eat every day. They’ll be filling, they’re healthy and hopefully they’ll help to keep me too full to want a bunch of other things. I haven’t added up all the calories yet but I’ll get that done today.
158/75 BP 69 pulse
Posted by ijellorca on January 8, 2007 10:09 AM | DIGG | | furl