Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
January 12, 2007
Daniel Fast Rules
I thought I would be doing the fast on salad and popcorn and protein shakes, but it’s come to me spiritually to do the fast on water. I have a few major issues to get revelation from so I’ll cleanse my system completely and turn away from the richness of food. I’ll start on Martin Luther king Jr.’s birthday, which has a strong personal symbolism for me; someone who put the good of all mankind ahead of his own personal safety. The truth is, there’s a calm and serenity that I experienced the last time I did a Daniel Fast that I long for with a true hunger. I don’t need food right now to feed my soul; I need the Holy Spirit. I’ll post my demons out unless I get too wigged out. There’s a whole new direction for my life and it doesn’t involve a dependence on anything that doesn’t uplift my soul. I’ll probably count down the hours because that used to motivate me. I’ll be working on 408 hours starting at Midnight Monday morning. I’ll fill out my contract and get rid of all the foods that will be perishable. The good thing is this time the fast will prepare me for the spiritually changing Lenten Season! It will be interesting to see how my blood pressure and my attitude and my thoughts change over the 17 days of the fast.
140/75 BP 72 pulse
Posted by ijellorca on January 12, 2007 9:05 PM | DIGG | | furl

Like you I know discouragement is this; until we give up there is hope. I have read much of your blog and you are a prolific writer. Victory in this, rightly, would give you a best-seller, for sure! I will check back from time to time, but will "root" for you. Might the victory be yours to enjoy!