Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
November 10, 2006
Personal weightloss Plan
Been gone a few days, but have been trying to gain some structure with the eating. Today I’ve been just about on the money. Just about!
The main thing that helps me is convenience. I’m still thinking Protein and veggies with a bit of carbs mixed in. That’s my main meal, eaten whenever I need a “major foody” type item, something hot, garlicky etc.
Then there’s the bowl of popcorn popped in my microwave popper (Approx. 12 cups) To that I add 2-3 tablespoons of melted butter just to get a “hint” of its flavor.
I have 2 separate types of protein (Whey and Egg) Today I mixed them together in one shake mixed with cold coffee. I haven’t worked it all out yet, but I’ll keep working on it till I get to my goal weight! I might start taking the weekend’s off though an incentive to get through the day when I want to eat something else. I think I’ll actually take a nap during the day too because a couple things are becoming quite apparent to me:
1. I don’t get enough sleep
2. I need more structure in my activities
3. I need more discipline with my eating
4. I need to acknowledge my emotions instead of hiding them under food.
5. I need reminders to follow through.
6. I don’t have to weigh every day; every other day is workable!
Anyways I decided to start taking a daily vitamin, but since I frequently get too into whatever I’m doing I always forget I got a pillbox that has a vibrating and beep alarm for 5 times a day. Often the day will be gone before I remember things such as eating, or drinking water or taking vitamins. Today’s it’s been working pretty well. Although my eating hasn’t been quite on time, I’m still trying to plug at it. I’ve actually eaten everything except the apple. It’s only 3 PM. I might eat some tuna later today or have another bowl of popcorn. The popcorn I make is less than 500 calories and that includes the 3 tablespoons of butter! It’s conceivable to me that I’ll get to the point where I don’t need any butter on it. We’ll see.
It’s Friday a friend had a surgery proceeding relating to newfound cancer, my aunt had pins put in her wrist after falling and cracking them so I’ve got many healing thoughts going out today. The rain’s been falling all day but not as heavy as the flooding around here at the end of last week. I think a nap is warranted just for a little more stillness and meditation.
157/90 BP 63 pulse - Down -01- Total Lost 019- 397 till Goal
Foods Planned: veggie mix, popcorn, apple, protein shakes
Foods Eaten: Veggie mix, popcorn, protein shakes
Posted by ijellorca on November 10, 2006 3:03 PM | DIGG | | furl