Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
September 15, 2006
I’m Finished!!! Woo hoo!
I’m Finished!!! Woo hoo!
The poetry book is finished. Now I can start the hungry hunt for willing publishers. I look forward to sending off queries galore!
Eating wasn’t stellar today, but I’ve been working from morning to night on the last two poems. I was tempted to bag it but inspiration dropped down and saved me. I can’t say I’m feeling hungry because I’m too excited! Tomorrow I get to move back to my play, which my brother is waiting for. (At least a partial first draft) I thought about fixing myself a drink, but my stomach couldn’t handle it. So ice water it is!
149/82 BP 74 pulse - Down -00 - Total Lost 042 - 374 till Goal
Foods Eaten:
2 brownies
Posted by ijellorca on September 15, 2006 6:05 PM | DIGG | | furl