Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
September 8, 2006
Finally I’m back! Sheesh!
Bought a new Monitor 2 months ago, it stopped working exactly 30days later! Contacted the manufacturer and they vowed a 48 hour replacement. Well a 4 days later I called and got the “It will be shipped out within 24 hours. So…a week later I’m told that the reason I refused to accept a refurbished monitor. (So what am I an idiot? Your new monitor doesn’t work more than 30 days and I’m supposed to accept what previously didn’t work and you’ve fixed back up???? Unbelievable! As if that was enough the new monitors wouldn’t be in till the weekend and shipped out the next Monday. Hah! All I can say is those monitors with little birds could learn a thing or two about customer service and keeping their word. Why the manufacturer can’t provide a new model of what is defective I really can’t say! So after another week of more dribble I contacted their corporate offices left a terse message about their shameful lies and non-existent warranty honoring ways and filed a claim to get my money back. Within hours of filing the claim the roguish company calls to give me the tracking number for the shipped New Monitor! Just got the monitor. Of course they didn’t send any paperwork to send the defective monitor back! This is the last time I fool with the 3 little birds! The last monitor I had from them stopped working prior to the end of the warranty by weeks! That was replaced with a “refurbished” one, which worked until the warranty ended then the power button fuzted out. So I couldn’t turn it off with out a hell of a time to get it back on. I put up with that for a couple years then finally it started taking a dive, so I foolishly bought what appeared to be the best deal for flat wide screen monitors. It came highly recommended! Well we’ll see how this new one works, but work or not, their customer service totally sucks! That being said I’m so glad to be back. You don’t realize how much a computer affects your life until you can’t use it!
I haven’t made much progress but it’s something. Blood pressure still hanging out on the higher side. I’ve been writing like crazy, but now I have to transcribe everything to msWord. So I’ll have to get back into my old routine. Since I didn’t have use of the computer I didn’t bother to write the changes every day. I’ll update where I’m at and rededicate myself toward my goals. I’ll be honest I do better when I’m holding myself accountable by keeping a journal online. I think I’d be much lighter by now if I had been able to post.
I’m almost finished with my poetry book to find publishers. I’m well into the play I’m writing about my Great, great, grandfather, and my friend and I came up with some characters that are just a blast to write. Now I’ll be able to write faster with my writing programs for plays, and screenplays, I’ll really get to speed things up!
It’s so nice to be able to get online again! What a relief!
156/81 BP 73 pulse ~ Down -15 ~ Total Lost 038 ~ 378 till Goal
Posted by ijellorca on September 8, 2006 10:34 PM | DIGG | | furl

Now that I have my computer back Health Diaries isn't letting me post! I'm unfortunately computer challenged lately! Sheesh! I do hope this gets worked out before another month goes by. I really find I do so much better when I can post and see what I've eaten and lost. Here's hoping that it gets fixed by tomorrow. Ij