Becoming My Passion

Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion

August 9, 2006

Just didn't want to face it!

But alas, I did.

The scales have not gone down still holding pat as the same weigh in from 4-5 days ago as things got crazy around here. Even the Sunday Movie and lunch got screwy when I stepped back into the livingroom to grab my bag before putting on my shoes only to feel a huge wetness through the socks...Yup Dog doo, the runny sick pup kind! Not what you expect when you're running about 5 minutes late. The young un was sick all day, if I had been on time I'd have come home 4 hours later to a carpet covered in, well no need to continue to describe it! Sheesh! I felt instantly depressed about it. My friends saw the movie without me but were kind enough to bring dinner by later that evening. I had mousaka instead of mexican food. Either way it's no surprise that I haven't lost anything in the last week. My blood pressure was up yesterday. I just ran out of time. I've been writing and researching furiously. I'm out of salads but I've been cooking frozen veggies to keep me going. No time to get to the store. I'll probably make some chicken veggie soup in the pressure cooker because it'll take less than 15 minutes to cook. I thought I'd have time to post earlier this evening, but as I see I'm already into Wednesday right now. I'm tired wanted a nap earlier didn't get around to it.

My sister called she just filed for Divorce, My Uncle's in hospital with pernicious internal bleeding, so I was on the phone with his wife for almost 2 hours to help her feel better, they're stressed. I'm stressed, and I need sleep. I'll sure try to get my posting routine back down tomorrow. What a setback! I won't panic, just got to move more and eat less! One thing's for sure no more dates!

Posted by ijellorca on August 9, 2006 12:31 AM | DIGG | | furl

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