Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
July 19, 2006
The Nuts and Bolts of Things!
My eating decisions are getting better especially with all the lovely veggies in the house. Yester I swear I was eating all day. I had started with a salad then protein shake, then veggie sandwich, then chicken breast with ¼ cup of noodles; lastly I ate a veggie sandwich with 2 slices of bologna. That of course was the span of the whole day. I wanted popcorn but needed more protein and veggies. Total calories ingested: 2557. I haven’t focused really on a specific set calorie count because I really want to get my mind wrapped around the cause and effects of what and how I eat before I start setting limits. I really want to “get it” so that the limits I choose to set are limits that I want to set and feel good about instead of feeling deprived or oppressed by them.
Today I started out with the weightlifting and aerobics. I had little carrots, grapes, cucumber slices, a little bleu cheese dressing (2 tablespoons) and a non-fat yogurt for breakfast. About 4 hours later I had a large salad with cherry tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, and croutons w/dressing. That was almost 4 hours ago. I’m feeling hungry and I need some protein, so I think I’ll have a couple eggs. I still want the popcorn, but I need protein right now more than carbs. I’m really feeling good about my eating; it’s a big shift for someone who was eating willy nilly and unconsciously. The ice cream’s still unopened, but I’m not hungry for sweets. I’m hungry for foody things. I actually thought for a quick minute earlier about some kind of fast food. I think the smells of other people’s cooking was queuing me to think that way. Smells really get me thinking on foods. It would be nothing to hop down to Jack in the box for some food, but I’m not driving anywhere. I’m going to go make a couple eggs to quell the protein cravings and maybe, just maybe I’ll have popcorn later to sustain my late night writing. I have been tired the last couple days, well maybe tired isn’t the best word for it. I have taken afternoon naps but I’ve been writing till 3 am lately and that’s probably more to do with it than my eating. It will all feel so good when I drop another 10, 20, 30, lbs only this time I can’t stop going down I’ve got to make it at least half way to my goal before I believe I’m truly on the right path, because it’s too easy for me to backslide at this moment!
Blood pressure’s up again, but that’s understandable I guess until I drop a 100 pounds. Then if it doesn’t go back down I’ll seek out possible medication… hmm knowing me, maybe after I drop 200 pounds! I hate taking medicine, and I’m way too inconsistent about it, still not able to stomach even multi-vitamins on a daily basis. Routine is just not my friend yet, but we’re at the talking phase that’s for sure!
160/80 BP 70 pulse ~ down -07 ~ Total Lost 018 ~ 398 till Goal
Posted by ijellorca on July 19, 2006 7:43 PM | DIGG | | furl

It's one of the few things keeping me on the path to better health and habits this time! Thank you for posting!
Love that you're posting every day. It's great to see your progress. Doing great!