Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
July 15, 2006
Not the results I was looking for
What could I have done different yesterday?
Drank more water and Exercised more. Today my eating wasn’t great but I got a wonderful large salad in and it was nummy! I wish I had fresh salad greens every day, and I wish I had the wherewithal to remember to pull it out of the fridge to eat every day also! (I often forget the food in the crisper, yikes!) I really need to plan my meals and stick to them… hmm sounds like commitment! I don’t like that word still!!
Today I will give myself a pat on the back because tonight I felt hungry but I didn’t really want to eat chicken again. I thought about carrots but too cold! Then I thought maybe ice cream… okay! Too cold! I didn’t want to make anything and for a quick minute I thought: Pizza? Thank God that swept away with the thought of the grease and the expense. So I resigned to find leftovers in the fridge, other than the chicken. Found the leftover lettuce from last weekend’s babaQ and the tomatoes then made a salad. I had the soup, with the salad and some Fresca. I thought I’d make some popcorn tonight and watch movies, but well I’m too full for that. I might make some tea later, but even that sounds ambitious for me right now. Tomorrow morning early I think the kids and I will head to Alki to check out our Condominium and walk a little. I want to get more walking in. If I can get myself together I’ll get in a little bit of the Walk away the pounds tape tonight. I want to lose weight and I want to do it now! I was just thinking today, instead of buying a nice big tunic to hide my belly and rolls, it would be cheaper to just lose weight and firm up!
Well tomorrow I can definitely do a protein shake in the am, a salad with the last of the lettuce, some carrots and I guess possibly a chicken meal, another protein shake with some strawberries, and some grapes and/or cherries. Add tea and or coffee and I’d say that should be a good eating day. I’ll let you know how I do. I vow to not buy any food tomorrow, I vow to walk a little this morning even if it’s only in the parking lot, and I’m going to do it. Those are my challenges for tomorrow. I’ll check in tomorrow. Maybe just maybe I won’t go up in lbs at all! I sure hope so!
(Boiled chicken w/ noodles)
½ cup of black-eyed peas
Large salad with tomato and crouton and blue cheese dressing
Split pea soup/noodles/chicken
3 raisin bran muffins
1 croissant
158/87 BP 69 pulse ~ down -02 ~ Total Lost 007 ~ 409 till Goal
Posted by ijellorca on July 15, 2006 9:12 PM | DIGG | | furl

Thank you for your support! I so appreciate it! IJ
I really admire your determination. Don't give up!