Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
July 17, 2006
Not feeling full fledged motivation
I’m not out of the woods yet; I still need to do more to help myself. (To “Health” myself!) Still, I got up and worked out first, broke a sweat, took the dogs downstairs and came back and weighed myself. I took my blood pressure, which is markedly down. It’s been more consistent than my weight on the scale. Now that I’m getting my bearings I’ll be mindful of where I’m headed. Not immediately, but I feel it seeping back into me. Normally in the past I made good strides in weight loss and then thought to myself: “well I can do this again when I need to” and would proceed to ignore my weight loss goals for a while. Of course I gain all that weight back and lie to myself that it would be no problem to get it off. I believe now, and have always half suspected that it’s calories in, and calories out that create weight loss or gain. Okay, okay so that’s been physics of things forever, but getting it through the thickest part of my body, my head, isn’t easy! I’m not saying only calorie counting will work, but the actual number of calories ingested versus the calories expended, via just basal expenditure or exercise.
I’m going to have to move more there’s no doubt about it. Anyways I’ll get on with my day. 405 more pounds to go, soon it will be less than 400 lbs till my goal, and then 380 and 320 and 250 etc… It’s a challenge. I should think about it like I paid off my car loan early. If I 863 dollars I’d pay off 13 to get to 850 and then after finance and the regular payment I’d be down to 624 and I’d pay the 24 dollars. I’d send over money to the loan from my account to clear out any cents. I just played this game with myself until the bank actually owed me money and I paid it off months early. I can do this. My next goal is to get under 400lbs till my goal weight! I can do that! Somehow it feels better to get closer to my goal that way then to look at the horrific weight I’m currently at!
Time for a little meal! Later.
150/83 BP 72 pulse ~ down -02 ~ Total Lost 011 ~ 405 till Goal
Posted by ijellorca on July 17, 2006 9:55 AM | DIGG | | furl