Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
July 24, 2006
Hot Distractions!
Well the heat hit and I was taken out as if Joe Louis threw the punch! Eating wasn’t kept track of except minimally. I’ve been drinking a lot of water and have been wilted like old lettuce! Today I had a slice of Veggie pizza. I don’t know what the cal count is on it and I’ll be honest, I’m too tired to care. The air conditioner even threw its feet up in the air like a dead bug. Poor thing. Don’t much blame it, it’s not the kind of weather I’m used to, or have ever been in either. Had to finally order a new one for the bedroom which faces west and the setting sun reaches its tendrils in here after 3pm and extracts whatever hope of life giving coolness is left by the closed curtains. I’m so glad it’s supposed to be below 90 tomorrow, but I’m not holding my breath.
You can’t think with all the super white noise of those fans! Don’t get me wrong, without them I wouldn’t even be able to write today! I thought my blood pressure was up who’d have thought it was actually lower than it’s been. I did go up 2 pounds but I can live with that right now. No workouts in the past 4 days, other than walks with the dogs. Even they are breathing heavy. One things for certain, being obese in a heat wave is like throwing a hunk of salt pork in the old cast iron skillet . . . there’s nowhere to hide! You’d think I’d have sweated off a load of water, but I guess not. Maybe it will show up during tomorrow’s weigh in.
I’ve been eating cucumbers, because they’re supposed to help lower your body temperature. I’ve been downing all the cool veggies and fruits I can get in the fridge until I ordered a pizza yesterday. I’ve bagged the majority of it up and stored in the fridge. I’ll probably shove it in the deep freeze later. I’m too disgusted with my fat to eat any more than the few slices I had. Like I said today I had one. I wanted to fast today because of the heat, but too late ate the pizza slice. I’ll be making a protein shake when I get done posting. It’ll be cool and I make it with water instead of milk so that makes it even more refreshing! I’ve got some more cherry tomatoes with my name on it, they don’t last long so it’s a good day to pop some of those and maybe drop the rest in a salad later tonight. I thank God I bought all those vegetables last week before the big sizzle, they’ve helped me cool off and they tasted so green earth great!!
It’s been a frustration though to feel so listless and hot. I want to work out but as soon as I try I feel like I’m sweating to death. I tried doing my weightlifting under the fan; arms just felt week and more out of shape than before! Sigh. Oh well tomorrow’s Tuesday and I’ll be up in the AM working out. I’ll have to work out straight through Sunday to make up for the days missed this past weekend. I can’t let things slip completely out of control!
My niece called and she’s having issues and ended up crying before hanging up the phone. I guess she was feeling vulnerable, not what I expected. I have to remember that empowering people sometimes requires only listening and not discussing the very issues the person claims they want to talk about. Unfortunately I tend to take people at their word to avoid confusion. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have the ability to speak at all. I wonder if then I’d be a better writer! Hmm, there’s something so enticing about not being able to speak. You just don’t have to answer people if you don’t want to.
When I first watched “As Good as it Gets” the movie with Helen Hunt and Jack Nicholson, there was this scene where they were in a restaurant. He has this moment of vulnerable communication with Helen Hunt and he rubs his face and head and says something about it being so exhausting, conversations. That’s how I feel sometimes when it comes to playing counselor to people. I know that when you’re a good listener people think you’re so wise or something. I’m not saying I’m not wise or that I am, but sometimes I just feel exhausted having to respond. I love great conversations but sometimes I just don’t want to say anything, I just want to “exist” and nothing more. I really am cut out for writing because I’m pretty much a recluse these days. I see why so many writers are this way, you need time to clear your mind of other people’s issues and trappings and then you have to clear your mind of your own trappings so that you can enter the world of your characters and not come out until you have it all on paper. Would that I could do such a thing, I’d surely make money because my imagination is vast and unusual.
Well I’ll send my niece warm loving hugs and embraces and pray she can bounce back from her tears today soon. I seem to be handling the heat a wee bit better today. Of course this is before the afternoon Sun’s tendrils begin their reach into our meagerly protected domicile! Till tomorrow I think, and till then let it snow, Let It Snow, LET IT SNOW!!! Hey I can dream can’t I?
149/86 BP 61 pulse ~ Up -02 ~ Total Lost 016 ~ 400 till Goal
Posted by ijellorca on July 24, 2006 3:12 PM | DIGG | | furl