Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
May 3, 2006
8 hours into 3-Day Fast
Last night in the middle of the night I got up and vomited! Weird, it’s like my body has spoken! I never throw up unless I’ve got a bad virus. It’s going to be good to feel nothing but water filtering through my body. I got up early today. It’s beautiful outside. I really need to set up my camera and take daily pictures; I’m such a chicken when it comes to being in front of those danged things. I love photography, just haven’t made friends with being the subject of it. Who knows maybe the more balanced I become. We’ll see. I’ll definitely make the effort on one of these fasts. It’s good to have a record of change in ourselves I think to be able to spur us on further in our pursuits and to see how far we’ve come, still…baby steps girl, baby steps!
Today I want to start the “de-cluttering” of my living space. Books are falling off every space I could hedge them! Yup! Books are like candy to me, and truthfully if I could afford books in place of food, I’d have it made! I read where Oprah said something like: some women have to have shoes, but I can go barefoot if I could just have books. That’s the gist of it, not a direct quote. I have no self-control when it comes to books. There’s always some kind of information that I’m curious about or want to study or just peruse; I’m insatiable! I knew a schoolteacher who went to the church I used to attend when I lived on the South end of town and she invited myself and another friend at that time to her home. It was a simple unassuming looking place from the front and when I walked through the front door I knew it was my dream home! There were books stacked up everywhere spilling off everything and the whole other wall of her home was almost a complete window looking out over the valley leading to Tacoma, WA with all the lights and plenty of sky to daydream with! Of course she had hardwood floors so you didn’t have the nightmare of dust and clean up mishaps of carpet! You never realize how much you miss hardwood floors until you have to live in the Pacific Northwest with the rain, the mud, and the mildew! Even though I’ve always taken my shoes off at the door in my home (Which a carpet cleaner attributed to the miraculous cleanliness of the carpet after I’d been living here for a couple years-He couldn’t believe I’d lived here that long) eventually with visitors who don’t take off their shoes and the addition of 2 dogs ran the carpet into the ground so to speak. As usual, I’m off on a tangent!
I just loved the schoolteacher’s home. She apologized for the stacks of books and even suggested that it was shameful; I could barely answer her because I was too busy greedily reading the titles and feeling the joy of being given the “okay” to live in such a manner! I know that’s why I’ll own that condominium on Alki Beach before too long because it’s a wall of windows looking out over Puget Sound and the Seattle skyline and the Olympic Mountains with 4000 sq feet of space for me to fill up with books, art and beauty! That’s my dream home. Elevator up to the home so no help needed with the boxes of books I love to check out of the library or buy at Amazon! Of course there’ll be comfy cozy seating and a few area rugs but NO WALL TO WALL CARPET! Boo hiss! The only place I can even think of having carpet completely is the bedroom where no spill should ever happen, no sooner spoken then the spill happens to be sure!
So the game plan today is if I feel any of those familiar hunger pangs or more realistically just gastro-entero gurglings, I’ll crawl under a blankie and meditate on just how good it feels being on vacation from eating, ingesting, craving, fixing food, cleaning up after, or the excessive physical quirks that come with ingesting toxic fodder! Ha ha what a mouthful. Wouldn’t it be nice to turn to fasting during emotional times instead of eating! I could be an emotional Faster instead of an emotional eater. Hey and with the completion of more “Letters to Heal” maybe I’ll be less emotional period!
8 Down 64 more hours to go!
Posted by ijellorca on May 3, 2006 6:14 AM | DIGG | | furl