Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
April 18, 2006
A Conscious Life, A Committed Life?
I just took a drink of a mug sitting nearby. I thought it was the coffee I just made for breakfast but it was a mug of Fresca from last night. The first thing I tasted was SWEETNESS! It really repulsed me. For the longest time I didn’t drink pop but recently it’s been creeping back into my life. I really don’t live consciously. I don’t consciously think about what I’m doing. Most of the time I try to change, but then I start becoming unconscious again and then I’m doing the very thing I don’t want to do.
I’m so much better at writing lists, but then it helps me to see just how off balance I am! I’m unconscious about:
1. My eating
2. My weight
3. My day to day living
4. My future
5. My hygiene
6. My whole life.
This is the same as commitment isn’t it? I wonder if it’s possible for me to commit to anything! I wonder if it’s possible for me to live a conscious life. Hmm. I need a 24-hour prayer vigil for me alone for the next 30 days!!!
Posted by ijellorca on April 18, 2006 11:10 AM | DIGG | | furl