Becoming My Passion

Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion

March 1, 2006

Thus begins the Lenten Season

Day 1, Ash Wednesday and I’ve found a couple great sites to assist with the journey. There are several sanctioned fasts according to Christian tradition. My sweetie is going to do one that involves one meal a day and Juices the rest of the time. I like the bread and water and juices one I was reading about. I’d already decided to limit my calories daily to keep myself obedient. That would give me leeway to abstain from food completely if I choose to on weekends etc. The main thing is to set a prayer schedule of Morning, night, afternoon, and during moments of “weakness.”

I’ve been thinking about how to get my routine going for some time, but didn’t want to settle on something I might possibly fail at.

One of the websites has a journaling schedule and I’ll really try to be true to that because spiritually I know it will uplift me.

P. S. Dee doing the Daniel Fast for lent I'll definitely put you on my prayer list! May God Bless you and keep you strong and uplifted!

And thank you for all the encouragement from those that have posted it, I really truly appreciate it!

Posted by ijellorca on March 1, 2006 12:16 AM | DIGG | | furl

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