Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
February 4, 2006
5 days of Daniel fast completed
Ended the fast with a bowl of salad and then later a couple nectarines.
I prayed about it and decided it was time. The next time I’m moved to fast I know I’ll be able to go further. I learned a lot and came to terms with some spiritual things that I needed to bring back to the forefront of my life.
I felt great after the salad, which immediately went through me. It tasted wonderful and satisfied me. Tomorrow I’ll have some grains and more fruit.
I lost 18 lbs over the 5 days, which was a nice fringe benefit. Now I only have 369 more to go. One thing for sure is this I look forward to longer fasts in the near future. One of the books I read said that it takes 10 to 30 days to completely sever cravings. I’d like to do 10 days before too long. The main thing is I can do it and I am more in control of my body. My mom is very proud of me and that really makes me feel good.
I feel really good today about the 5 days even though I didn’t go the full 7. I think the next fast will involve juice and put my Breville back to major work!
Next week my goal for 7 days will involve my workouts and really up-stepping the intensity.
Posted by ijellorca on February 4, 2006 12:39 AM | DIGG | | furl

I began My Fast Sunday 01-07-07 I am doing a 3day Liquid and 4day Daniel Fast for a total of 21days
I am considering the Daniel fast, to trust God for changes in my life.
Today January 12, 2007 I started my Daniel fast. It has been a long time since I HAVE FASTED FOR MORE THAN 1 OR TWO DAYS.I wanted to try to go for 21 dys, but I don't think I can get my husband to sustain himself. I love to eat so this has been a difficult day for me. I am doing this because I have been praying for many people that need a break threw as well as my self. It just seems as if no one I have prayed for has the will power to go on a dedication fast. This one is for the kingdom. Keep me lifted.
How wonderful for you Tina that you completed your fast! What were you first thoughts and feelings after fasting? Congratulations! I've very proud and happy for you!
First Lady, I know the start of a fast isn't easy. If your husband doesn't want to share in the fast you could possibly fast along with someone of the people fasting here. I'll be starting a fast on Monday the 15th of January, and you're welcome to fast as much or as little as you'd like to at the same time. I write out my worst moments. I also become hypersensitive to the senseless and constant barrage of Food based TV adds, restaurants that loom on every corner in the city and the smells that start out tempting me then make me feel sick to my stomach then eventually after about a week I no longer care about. Looking at your own environment in relationship to food is a wonderful fringe benefit with the Daniel Fast. Remember that the Daniel fast typically involves turning away from "rich foods" like Daniel did with the king's food. You don't have to water fast you can fast by eating a raw food diet, or even a bland diet eliminating creams, butters etc. Pray on it and ask for the answer to come to you before you go to bed. Sometimes people find the answers more clearly in their sleep. I will be praying for both of you during my Daniel Fast vigil!
Is fish considered a meat on a daniel fast? anybody!!!!
Isn't fish an animal?
I'm not even sure how I found this sight. I was thinking about starting the Daniel Fast on Monday. I "google-d" up "Daniel Fast," & ended up here. I keep hearing how 2207 is the year of completion; the year of manifest; the year for God to release all the "stored-up-blessings" He has for you---AND I WANT THEM ALL!!! But I also want God to speak to me & direct my path. "Some things come only by praying & fasting." So I thought I would do the Daniel Fast during the month of February & get before God to find out His plan for me. All of your comments encourage me. I've never done a fast this long before, but with God...ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. To "First Lady," I don't know who you are, but God will honor your sacrifice. Maybe when your husband sees you being so diligent & disciplined, maybe that might encourage him to do it with you. In any event, you do what you need to do to get where you need to be; where God wants you to be. You all be blessed. I'll let you know how the fast went on March 1.
My name is Nina and this is my first day on the Daniel, I did relatively well,even though I have 3 children and a hubby to cook for. I also hear my pastor saying that this the year of restoration. And this register in my spirit. I want to fast not because this is the beginning of a new year but because I desire a closeness with my Jesus. I am determine to completed not a 21 days but a 40 days fast. Pray for me that I keep my commitment to God, for the Bible say only a fool makes a promise and not fulfill and i wish not to be anyones fool, Unless a fool for Jesus.
My name is Nina and this is my first day on the Daniel, I did relatively well,even though I have 3 children and a hubby to cook for. I also hear my pastor saying that this the year of restoration. And this register in my spirit. I want to fast not because this is the beginning of a new year but because I desire a closeness with my Jesus. I am determine to completed not a 21 days but a 40 days fast. Pray for me that I keep my commitment to God, for the Bible say only a fool makes a promise and not fulfill and i wish not to be anyones fool, Unless a fool for Jesus.
I am going to do a Daniel fast. I need a miracle in my life so much, my flesh has been winning against my Spirit man and i must become less so he can become more. I want to know how much of each foods to eat and on what days and such...
I am interested in where exactly you get the idea for the "Daniel Fast". The Bible does not call this a fast at all. Here, I want you to notice something. A fast is when you obstain from food, drink and the pleasures of this world to commune with God and be enlightened and strengthened by and with His Spirit. This "Daniel Fast" is nothing more than a simple regimen, not a fast. The Bible, God's Holy Word, does not call this regimen a fast by any means and seems to be no more than a mere cheap way get out of fasting. Well, if you really wish to seek God in fasting, try totally obsatining from physical nourishment while seeking spiritual nourishment. That's when Satan really attacks. However, when you make it through, that idiot adversary, Satan, will really be angry. The more you do it, the more angry he will become. That's great because as long as you please the True and Living God, that's exactly what you want. I am not trying to be hostile against the "Daniel Fast", I am going by what the Holy Ghost has showed me. The closer you get to God, the more Satan becomes intimidated by the Power inside of you. It is a mere case of dieting vs fasting. As you read as study this topic for yourself, you will also be enlightened by the Holy Ghost just as I have. Please, do not take offense to my e-mail. I encourage you in love to "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15) Thanks and God Bless.
Matt, I agree with you on what you said. Although I do believe it is a fast because I going to be abstaining from certain foods like daniel did. I have a purpose and that purpose is to have spiritual growth. I'm not doing this to lose weight. I am looking for God's provision in my life. I'm a teenager, a senior in high school to be more specific. I graduate this year and I want God's will for my life. I want to know whether or not I should go to bible college for two years, or four years or not go at all. I want the words I sing in church 'You're all I want, You're all i've ever needed' to be TRUE and real in my life. Sure, who doesnt want it to be true and hope for it every time they sing it? I really want it to be the truth. "God you are my God, and I will ever praise you" I'm going to do this for a month. Along with no texting, no myspace and no online games. I don't want to think about if i can accomplish it or not. I'm not doing this with my own strength, I'm depending on God to pull through with me. I wanted to start this fast yesterday, but I'm reading and learning more about it. I'll start it when I know the time is right. Remember everyone, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13 Continue to be strong fellow Christ Followers. Have faith. God will take you farther in your walk with Him.
on daniel fast for 70 days and have lost 63 pounds . My health has improved 100 percent. dont know when or if will stop .
Ralph, if you have eaten this way for over 70 days, it is no longer a fast but a way of life.Ü
Well i am on my second day of Daniels fast and the first was kinda hard because i like eating unhealthy foods.. but yet at the end of the day yesterday i felt really good!Glory be to God! im on my second day and even though eating is one of my favorite things to do I know God will help this 17 year old... If anything its for God which is the best way to get closer to him ... and also a good way to pray for some people in my life .. God Bless you Guys!
Well i am on my second day of Daniels fast and the first was kinda hard because i like eating unhealthy foods.. but yet at the end of the day yesterday i felt really good!Glory be to God! im on my second day and even though eating is one of my favorite things to do I know God will help this 17 year old... If anything its for God which is the best way to get closer to him ... and also a good way to pray for some people in my life .. God Bless you Guys!
Well i am on my second day of Daniels fast and the first was kinda hard because i like eating unhealthy foods.. but yet at the end of the day yesterday i felt really good!Glory be to God! im on my second day and even though eating is one of my favorite things to do I know God will help this 17 year old... If anything its for God which is the best way to get closer to him ... and also a good way to pray for some people in my life .. God Bless you Guys!
I started my daniel fast on the 17th of August.Nothing is easy only through God this is why I decided to do the fast. To have a closer encounter with God. I ask who ever reads this to just keep me in prayer. I am doing the 21 days for the first time on a fast.
Ernestine, I do pray you had an enlightening experience through your 21 day fast. I always feel so encouraged to see when someone's doing another Daniel Fast. I know I want to do one before the end of the year and before the major holidays to keep my resolve in my life changing pursuits. Take care and God Bless. Ij.
Hello all I'm starting a 10 day Daniel Fast and I am really excited about it. This will be a challenge for me because I love meats. But I trust in God to not only change the things that need changing in my life but to elevate me to a level in my walk with him that is far beyond my wildest dreams. God Bless you all on your fast and I pray continued success to you all.
Congratulations Keya, you'll probably find that meat has a whole new flavor afterwards. I'm sending a prayer out for you. God Bless, Ij
New Life Publishing has announced that it is in the final review and editorial stages of the upcoming "The Daniel's Fast Cookbook."
The authors, Grace Bass, a church planter from Tempe, Arizona, and Lynda Anderson, a gourmet chef from Lago Vista, Texas have personally developed and prepared each of the recipes in the cookbook. “A lot of people are confused about what a Daniel Fast really is,” said Grace Bass, “I’ve seen other Daniel Fast themed cookbooks that use dairy products – including cheese – vinegar, and other types of foods typically not allowed on the fast. One of the goals of our cookbook is to not only provide delicious tasting recipes, but to educate people on what a true, biblical Daniel Fast really is.”
Lynda Anderson, co-author of “The Daniel’s Fast Cookbook” and gourmet chef with over forty-years experience in preparing delicious and compelling dishes, says “this cookbook is part of my contribution to the Body of Christ, I hope it will serve as an avenue for others to draw themselves closer to our Lord.”
The Daniel’s Fast Cookbook will be available online at in January 2008. “We are working out the distribution chain so the book will also be available at major online booksellers, and in Christian bookstores throughout the country”, said Grace Bass. The website contains a lot of free information about what a Daniel Fast is, the foods typically allowed and other similar information. In addition we offer several free Daniel Fast recipes and an online community (message forum) for partakers of the Daniel Fast.
you should only eat fruits, vegetables, and nuts, oh and whole grains too. no meats basically you become a vegan not a vegetarian a VEGAN for how ever long you.
you should only eat fruits, vegetables, and nuts, oh and whole grains too. no meats basically you become a vegan not a vegetarian a VEGAN for how ever long you.
I began My Fast Sunday 01-01-07 I am doing a 3day Liquid and 4day Daniel Fast for a total of 21days