Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
January 30, 2006
The Daniel Fast
Well today I started the “Daniel Fast” from Elmer L. Towns book: Fasting for Spiritual Break Through, a guide to nine biblical fasts. This fast is for health and physical healing (Dan. 1:12-20) when we fast for physical well-being, God will touch our bodies and enrich our souls. (As stated in Mr. Towns’ book.)
I filled out the contract in the book, signed and dated it to last from today through February 5th, 2006. Officially I had stopped much earlier than Midnight but kept it simpler with that start time.
The day so far began with a walk outside with the dogs, back upstairs where I opened the sliding glass door to let the wind outside blow into the apartment for some kind of symbolic cleansing. I put in “walk away the pounds” got my blood moving then sat down to take of day one, baseline after putting in “The Passion of Christ” a movie I’ve had for some time but haven’t had the strength to watch. I grew up Episcopalian, and anyone who knows about that weird word knows it’s the “looser” version of Catholics, to put a non-formal spin on the deeper dogmatic differences! I attended Episcopalian church, went to Catholic school and finished up my Sundays at my Great Grandmother’s Southern Baptist Church. I’ll say the only thing missing back then was a Buddhist bent somewhere. No worries the eastern religious intricacies arrived later in life. It’s particularly hard to avoid theology with such a background, or possibly just being me. Even by horoscope I was born completely in the middle of two very interesting signs. Aquarius and Pisces. Yes they call it a cusp, but officially according to the exact moment I was born I was born at 000.00 degrees Pisces, just before the planets transited. All the Aquarian people I meet become infuriated by my inexplicable “intuition” on things, the accompanying affects I seem to have on people, and then the Piscean people find me excruciatingly analytical. Somehow where I am suits me just fine spiritually. My physical world is rather confusing from the outside world as well, but for me it makes sense and is as exhaustive and changeable as the waters of any great Lake or body of water.
I’m off on a tangent again, even though it really does matter as far as I’m concerned. I can think of nothing more important in my life, than my spirituality. It drives me in all aspects. The more my faith strengthens, and I believe this to be something that continues to grow and change for the better in most people, the less control I seem to need in life. It’s like getting on a roller coaster without knowing the end or how long till the end but getting on nonetheless! I remember using the breaks in my coaster car before, only to find these days those levers are completely missing.
Anyways, The Passion of the Christ, since I was a little girl and walked the stations of the cross I remember bawling my eyes out and wailing to my parents discomfort at the treatment of Jesus. I always wanted them to stop, every time I walked the stations until eventually I found myself less and less inclined to attend church where the characters I met seemed less and less spiritual, while becoming more and more like the Pharisees. The concerns of the way a church looked or how the parish dressed left me feeling cold and alone in a place that should have held warmth and understanding in my mind. I was set to become a nun when I left high school, not catholic necessarily but one in some order that I felt would utilize my abilities in the best possible manner for the world. Alas it was not to be. I met many nuns at that Catholic college who told me up front about the way you’d serve “The Church” and it discouraged me greatly. I prayed and attended chapel daily, despite the typical collegian atmosphere. Everyone around me was looking to get drunk, get out of class, or get laid. There were many also looking for the drugs and yes they were readily available at this private catholic college! I wanted higher learning and spiritual guidance, instead I found very few people concerned with much more than what was being served for dinner at the Quad cafeteria. It changed my life.
I think that left me weary of churches ever since.
Weird, didn’t realize I’d end up here today.
It’s 10:30 PM and I’m just now feeling some sensations of hunger. It’s not a “ravenous” feeling just a small emptiness. I haven’t had any water yet because I’m waiting for a major “thirst” response. I haven’t been especially active today so that might have something to do with it. In less than 2 hours we’ll be into day 2 of the Fast. I haven’t had TV on all day but when I did turn it on, nothing but food ads. They used to make me really hungry, now they almost go by before I realize they’re on. Tivo helps!
The dogs’ dinner was short lived today. The little guy didn’t eat his dinner for the 3rd day. The girl didn’t eat hers because I didn’t put any liquid on it and it was dry. So as soon as they both walked away dog food got picked up for both of them and I guess they’re doing somewhat of the fast with me. I didn’t look at them or talk to them about it. Little boy’s making a meal out of the rawhide stick, but that will be all gone tomorrow. Their dad still wants me to put broth on their food, but I think we need to get the basics back down before we move on.
Well I guess that’s about it for today. We’ll see how tomorrow goes. 168 hours –23, leaves another 145 to go.
Posted by ijellorca on January 30, 2006 11:08 PM | DIGG | | furl

I will be doing the Daniel Fast for Lent Season. Please keep me in prayer.
Stay encouraged, God has a special plan for all of us. Fasting is one way to bring clarity to our earthly life. Stay in the Word of God, and He will bless you!
I will be fasting March 5 through Easter Sunday, and I know it will be a great experience!
Bless you,
Noble wanted to let you know how impressed I was that you made it 168 hours, I only went 5 days but I'm really hyped to start another water only fast. I thought Lent would have been a great opportunity but decided to ease into it this time with Juice and decreased calories until I was there.
Dee I do hope that you're hanging in there on your Daniel Fast, Spiritual fasts are just incredible and there's not much more you can do to describe it, whether you do the Daniel fast on just water or Fruit/veggies or Juice or the old stand by of bread and water, it can be tailored to your personal needs and requirements. I have been praying for you Dee and I so hope that you are gentle with yourself and realize anything you do towards that Daniel Fast can only be good whatever you do!
Theresa how is your fast going for the Lenten Season? I find I've been quite introspective this Lenten season more than any other Lent I've partaken in! I'm in a spiritual and physical growth spurt! I'm seeing more clearly as you stated my given purpose and plan in life! I have you on my prayer list as well, God bless through this journey of yours!
Blessings to all, Ij
Blessings IJ
Well, Praise God there are other people doing this fast. I first learned about it when my god-parents said that they where on the Daniel fast I inquired about it I know that i will be doing this fast again because it has proven to allow me to trust God more. I have been praising God for Breakthourgh in college, finances and singing carrer. My Pastor taught a lesson on yesterday about praying for others and being Kingdom conscienous becasue there are too many lost souls and I have been confessing that God do the amazing in me through and for me. It all calls for prayer and praise and this fast has made me understand if I dont have the food to eat guess what all i can have is water and juice and that is it. Our church is getting ready for our 2 million dollar offering on this sunday and we are so very exited and this time of fasting for me has made the event more impactful. I will be praying that you all are successful in whatever fast you do
Desi, thanks for sharing your Daniel Fasting experiences. I'm honored that you shared your journey with me, us. I find that I think about the Daniel fast all the time and I'm also leaning to a "Diciple" Fast from the same book "Fasting for Spiritual Break Through, a guide to nine biblical fasts" that I first learned of the Daniel fast. The Diciple fast is much more involved and much strictor on obedience, something I must wrestle with when there's no mom/dad or teacher or boss standing over your shoulder to make sure you do "the right thing" when you have to stand over your own self it's almost more difficult! Imagine that. God Bless and keep you cradled through manifesting your talents to the world! My prayer is bouncing out in the world for you now!
Our church is fasting for 40 days.we are half way through.its an amazing experience to rely fully on God.i cant wait for the revolution..i can feel it coming!!God is great!
Wow Sammantha! How cool is that! I'm impressed that so many churches and organized religions are answering the call to fast spiritually. I remember when the Lenten Friday fish only days were hard for church members. I also remember there being a time when if you suggested any form of fasting you were considered crazy! To have a whole church dedicating themselves thus is really an uplifting thought! I most definitely will ship you out some prayers for strength and joy and the changes that you're all working to bring about! This whole world could do with a few worldwide fasts to heal our hearts, minds and bodies of the violence and hatred that has wracked the earth! God Bless, Ij
Yeah!I am a University student.I'm saved & love Jesus with all my heart.At last I have started my Daniel's Fast.I am on day two.Only on fruits,veges and liquids like boiled water,100% red grape juice & low-fat fresh milk.In the morning I take a banana,2 glasses of water & 1 glass of milk. Midday:an apple & 1 glass of water.Evening:Boiled mixed-vege,1/2 avos & 1 glass of 100% red grape juice. The reason of this fast is that I am preparing for my day of baptism around the month of October.And for my spiritual & physical health.
Plz pray that I be faithful!
Oh Siya, how wonderful for you! I'm so happy that you're progressing in your spiritual path! I do know that the Daniel fast can humble your heart to reveal the things about yourself that you want to change and help cement you on that path of change. I'll put your name on a post it note now and attach it to my monitor so I can remember to pray for you throughout the day and through to your baptism. You already have the strength to complete your fast because you know and understand the joy you'll receive in the end. Blessings be to you and your chosen walk with God. Ij.
I, too, am beginning the Daniel Fast in a matter of days. I'm joining my church in the fast. I have many reasons for participating and many prayers that I'm believing will be answered in the next few weeks. This fast is leading up to my baptism which is long awaited. Please keep me in your prayers.
Shanna, I will definitely add you to the prayers for the Daniel Fast. Siya will be getting baptized in October too, I'm really excited for both of you! Blessings to you both and your respective church communities. Ij
I am joining my church in fasting. I have many reasons to fast. My son and husband are lost and need god. I'm not only fasting for my family but for all those out there with lost loved ones. I'm very new at this walk with god, but I intend on seeing it through. I'm looking for miracles to happen, and only god can do them. Just pray for me and my family. God will see us through this . I'll remember each of you in my prayers. God Bless and Be With Each of You!
Ocie, I see that you are new to the faith. God bless you. I did my first long term fast when I was "a babe in Christ" too. It was a wonderful experience and I will forever be grateful for it. I will be praying for you, this will be an unforgetable time of fellowship with God and spiritual insight that cannot be gained any other way. I join you in looking forward to your answered prayers. Remember to spend a significant time in reading of your Bible and in prayer daily as you are on the fast. You will find that all things will become clearer as your understanding opens up. (And in all things you should get understanding.-thats not my opinion-thats scripture) Don't forget to post your answers to prayer.mj
Please pray for me...I am beginning The Daniel The first time that I did The Daniel Fast,I completed 40 days 2 years ago and what a blessing it was for me...daily prayer and bible study fruits and veggies. Allow me to draw nearer to God. I have to make a decision about moving to Korea for work and as much as I look forward to it. I want to be sure that it's Gods design for me at this time. I have also been feeling a little disconnected from God. Fasting and focusing on God is an awesome experience.
I'm amazed at how many people are doing the Daniel Fast! you all are putting me to shame I know it's time for me to get back to it but my focus is so shattered lately. I have been looking at my prayer list for those that have asked for prayers and I know some of you all were going to start in October, so either way or however you choose to do the Daniel fast I pray you find the inspiration and answers you're seeking! IC (In Christ) Ij
I too am Daniel Fasting and I feel great. The presence of the Lord has over taken my spirit, I feel the wicked one trying but at this point nothing but the Lord moves me. I am coming on a week now with nothing but fruit, veggies, fruit juice and Distilled room temperature H2O. In truth I feel a supernatural favor unlike ever before. God Bless all of you who has made such covenant and sacrifice, My deepest prayers are with you all
Shellie, Thank you for sharing your Daniel Fast with us, how exciting for you! What amazes me about fasts is how much you can be changed within a relatively short time. That's why I think doing a Daniel fast is so special, you're targeting yourself for a change and the other side is inifinitely brighter! God Bless, and thank you for you beautiful blessings on all the other Daniel Fasters! Ij
I am doing a 10-daysdaniel for every month in the year. But this month and december I am going to try to do it till Christmas. And then continue the 10 days one. SO pray for me. I will start tommorrow.
Leslie, how very disciplined of you to start before the "eating holidays!" I’m proud of you and deeply inspired! I’ve got prayers out for you and your fast and the growth I know you’ll experience from it! Do take care and God Bless! Ij
I am into day 2 of the Daniel FAST i am fasting for 10 days for my physical and spiritual health and the deliverance of my family. The first time i went on a month's fast was in January 2006 but i didn't know really the meaning of being disciplined and fasting properly even after years of being saved. God still honoured me with favour at the time. This time does not compare i am just feeling the Holy Spirit elevate me to another level. Please pray for me.
I started the Daniel Fast November 29,2006 I'm into the 14th day out of 40 days. I believe that God has called me to do this I need your prayers especially through the hollidays. I am really committed to do this and don't want to fail. God has been with me through the beginning and I know he will be there at the end for me. The end is January 9, 2007 God is an awesome God.
Pamela Yeager
I am starting the Daniel Fast on Jan 7th for 21 days. I have been doing it just on Wednesdays for about a month. I will be doing it with 3 other family members. I am really excited to give the Lord my first fruits of the year. Just wondering, I have read no dairy or caffiene with the fast. Does anyone know?
Our church is doing a 21 day Daniel Fast, so remember us in prayer.
I plan on starting the Daniel Fast beginning on December 28 for 21 days. I am fasting for spiritual healing as well as for my immediate family(especially my husand), other family members, my inlaws and finances. Please keep me in your prayers.
My church is also beginning a 21 day Daniel Fast in January. I'm eager to get started but neither my husband nor myself have eveer participated in a fast, so we're also a bit anxious. I'm confident that I'll be able to rely on God to get me through. I think I'll prepare by removing caffeine from my diet- it's my only true vice & I don't want the caffeine headaches to stomp all over my spirit for the first few days!
I have been sincerely inspired by the dedication & commitments I've read throughout this conversation. I'll keep you all in my prayers & hope that you will do the same for my husband and I.
God Bless,
my church that I go to is doing a 21 day daniel Fast. I am excited about doing it this year!
I have one question, I was told that we can have dairy on the fast, is this true? I thought that we couldn't.
Hi! my sister, mother, and myself maybe my daughter are all going on the daniel fast starting January 2. This is the first time for my mother, sister and daughter. I am excited they all wanted to do this as a family. We are all wanting to grow in the Lord. See love ones saved. finances,healing.
hi to all of u i want to tell u all that god is watchin over us and he loves us all oooh soo much and youll see how he will reward you right now u might feel like your goin through a tough time but give it to god and youll see how he will change it i love him very much and ill never be ashamed of him because i just love him!! =DD today is my 1st day of my daniel fasting please keep me in prayer as iam also praying for all of u i love u all goodbye!!
Goodness I’ve been gone almost the whole month of December! So many of you on such wonderful spiritual journeys! Thank you for sharing your journeys or the knowledge of them. It’s truly inspiring to me to come back and see you all out there deepening your relationships with God.
Lorraine, Blessings on your journey that you started earlier, hope you enjoyed every minute of it!
Paula, Becky, Shyluer how are you all doing? I think it’s wonderful that people start fasts during a typically large eating season of the year, which takes strength and good faith! I pray you are feeling the joy of obedience and control in the face of such “rich foods and traditions” Just as Daniel did amongst the Kings court!
Darla it’s wonderful that you are or were fasting with family/friends this kind of activity will bring you closer than you know.
Cherise I am awed by yours and everyone else’s dedication and commitment to the Daniel Fast when they are “called” to do so.
Lori, the Daniel Fast can be tailored to your needs at the time you choose to start it. I’d check with your church to find out what you all have decided the parameters would be on what you will abstain from or add to your fast. Some strictly imbibe only on water, some do vegetables only, and some include more extensive eating or choose a raw diet for a spell. Either way, typically you cut out some “richness” that you would normally spoil yourself on without thought. Maybe it’s coffee, or Mochas or milk and dairy products. Whatever you all choose, as long as you decree it before you start and pray yourself through the rough times.
Carolyn on your start today, may your faith and joys sustain you through your spiritual journey, I commend you on a cleansing start to the New Year.
And Joanna, last but not least of those for me to respond to, thank you for such encouraging words and wisdoms! The best part of people being able to post here is that they know they are not alone, whether I get back in to respond right away or not, there are many others coming here and praying for all of you as I will continue to do regardless of what journey I’m on at the moment. God bless you all and thank you for being such an incredible and touching inspiration to me you all are just as Daniel has been to us all for centuries and will be forever. Ij
I will be eating only vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes and brown rice. I will be drinking water, and organic juice. This is the list of foods I have found in books and websites. No dairy. This feels good to me. I agree that you set your guidelines. Whatever you feel God calls you to do. I am also giving up the internet and t.v for the three weeks. I am excited.
Please pray for my brother David. He is starting his fast Jan.7th. He has been delivered from alcohol, drugs and cigaretts. He recognizes its Gods. Please keep him in prayer.
Darla sounds like you're off to a great start! Your mind, body and soul will be so much clearer without all the worldly "rich" distractions that you're giving up. I'll put you on my prayer list for your journey so I can say a little prayer each day. Blessings always!
Dinna, absolutely I'll pray for your brother and you as he comes through the darkness! Once he feels the freedom from being controlled by such substances it will be most hard for him because he may not recognize where he is initially, but with your love and prayers and those of others he'll be held safe and embraced against any further darkness! He's in a much better spot than most because he actually has chosen to try to save himself! Take care!
My prayers for both of you! Ij
I am starting the Daniel fast on the 7th of January 2007 for twenty one (21) days, I will only eat fruits and vegies and drink only purified water and 100% fruit and vegetable juices. I am fasting for, 1. Close fellowship with God. 2. Spiritual healling. 3. My business (finances) and 4. Wife and sons and family members both own and in-laws. Please keep me in your prayers.
I am starting the Daniel fast on the 7th of January 2007 for twenty one (21) days, I will only eat fruits and vegies and drink only purified water and 100% fruit and vegetable juices. I am fasting for, 1. Close fellowship with God. 2. Spiritual healling. 3. My business (finances) and 4. Wife and sons and family members both own and in-laws. Please keep me in your prayers.
Ali, prayers for you and your family and may God smile on you and your financial situation so that you may prosper. May God embrace you and your entire family and prepare you for what lies ahead in life! Ij
I and my church are beginning a 21 day fast today. I am doing the Daniel fast and I am praying for deliverance of the things I personally struggle with and breakthroughs for my entire church.
I and my church are beginning a 21 day fast today. I am doing the Daniel fast and I am praying for deliverance of the things I personally struggle with and breakthroughs for my entire church.
Daphene, I believe we attend the same church, as my family and I are also beginning a 21 day Daniel fast. Fellowship Church? I will be praying for you, Ed, and our entire church family. I can't wait to see what exciting things God will open our eyes to!
We are beginning January 8, 2007 what is the full 21 day meal description for the fast.
Chris it does seem like there are quite of churches using the Daniel fast for change and growth which impresses me greatly.
God bless you all doing your fasts, I hope you come back and post the results too! As always I'll continue to pray for you all and your wonderful spiritual pursuits. Ij
Members of my Church as well as I are starting the Daniel Fast today. January 8 - January 29.
It was great to find this site and look forward to reading about your experiences and sharing my own with you. I know God is going to deliver, heal, and do all kinds of other supernatural things in the hearts and lives of His children who sacrifice for Him.
Thank you for having this site.
My ex-husband and I are starting the Daniel Fast today. We have committed to this fast for 21 days. We are praying for God to reveal his will in our life. We love each other but we have been through so many trials and trubulations that we felt like our marriage was over. We are asking for saints to pray for us and we will do the same for you. God Bless
Well today I started the Daniel Fast. I've never fasted before I hope I can go ten days.
My church is on the Daniel Fast as of January 8 to go until midnight of January 12, 2007. I plan to go a little longer. I and my husband are in some sense seperated. This has been a rollercoaster of chanllenges and answers from only God are needed. I'm excited about what God is doing in the body of Christ.
Blessings to all who have or are participating in the Daniel Fast.
My church is embarking on a 21 day Daniel fast starting January 10th. I am excited but nervous because I have 4 kids under the age of 8 and they will be joining me on this fast. Our church does this every year in January, but this is the first time that I am including the kids.(I want the entire household to be on the same page. I remember fasting with my mother at an early age.)
God is doing some awesome and mighty things in our lives and I want us to stay humble and be ready for his next move.
Please pray for my children and myself. This will be a different journey for us. Through God's creative power and abilities, I believe he will show me delicious ways to cook/serve the natural food. I am believing God for revival in my spirit and breakthrough in my marriage.
Blessings everyone! It is certainly the season for everyone to cleanse and renew their body and spirit!
Angela I think you and your children will experience major growth doing this natural food fast together. I can only imagine how incredible that would have been with my mother as a child. These days my mother and I work on our weight and talk of spiritual actiivites and that means a lot to me.
LW I pray that your continued fast brings you peace and answers to your marriage. If nothing else I pray that it will reveal God's vision for your relationship.
Jeana I will say a special prayer for you, since this is your first fast. If you ever find it difficult during the fast I recommend reading the bible and a good spiritual fasting book like Towns book on the 9 spiritual fasts for support. God bless and I hope we hear about how your fast went. It's so triumphant when you finally break it.
Tunya, I pray that your marriage is touched by this spiritual journey. May God open both your hearts to the beauty that you were initially drawn to inside! God bless
If everyone who pops in here prays for those who post on the Daniel fast, just imagine all the spiritual support you'd have out there among strangers, but your brothers and sisters in Christ nonetheless! Blessings always, Ij
I just learned about the Daniel fast while watching Daystar last evening. I feel that this is the fast for me. Please pray my strength as I seek the Lord for confirmation.
Because of Calvary,
Chris - My husband and I also attend Fellowship Church and are doing the Daniel Fast. It is the first time to fast for both of us and we know it will be a great experience and will bless us spiritually.
We will keep everyone in our prayers!
I started the Daniel's fast with a girlfriend of mine, whose church is doing it. I started Monday Jan.8th. I am only eating veggies, fruit and drinking water.I am on day four and plan to go all 21 days. I need guidance on God's will for my life and my two children. I will keep all of you in my prayers.
My husband and I and several members from our church our doing the Daniel fast. I started on January 8th and my husband started his a week earlier with water and juice only on January 1st, but we are both now doing fruits, vegetables, water, and juices. We are doing this for 21 days so please pray for us during this journey. We are EXPECTING great things from God!!
Judith, I've added you to my Prayer list. I'm sure you will receive the lovely confirmation you're looking for. May God help you recognize the strength that already exists within you.
Kristi, Theressa, and Robin many blessings for you all on your spiritual journey! You all are so inspiriational as are all our brothers and sisters in Christ. The main thing to remember we are not alone and we are being held up every difficult step of the Fast. God Bless you all and thank you for taking the time to pray for all the others sharing this fast with you in one way or another, this fellowship gives me great hope for the world in its confused ways. Amen, In Christ, Ij
My husband and I began the Daniel Fast on Jan. 7th. We felt the Lord's directive on doing a fast before the end of 2006. However, was not sure of when we were to begin. On the 6th of Jan. we heard, "start tomorrow" and "it will be a 21 day fast." At first it was hard, b/c I had to give up caffine and had a headache for three days straight, but after that it has been good. We are expecting great things from God and cannot wait!
Teresa! I'm so happy for you breaking the caffeine addiction! For people who use it every day it's almost like a drug! You'll be amazed at the bonds of control over your life that will break up and free you. God Bless you both and may God keep keep revealing wonders for you! Ij
Hello, I am fasting for 21 days beginning tomorrow, Jamuary 15. Only fruit, vegetables, water and 1 glass of milk for calcium. I am fasting to get closer to the Lord and hear his voice as well as to cleanse my body of a lot of toxins I feel that soda and coffee and fast food have put into it. I am nervous but I am excited. Please pray for me with discipline and that God will hear my prayers and know that I am here to humble myself in front of him. Im so glad I found this post! I'll check it often.
wow---I see a lot of my Christian Bros and Sis out there from Fellowship Church in Texas...This is 10th day and I start to grow weary,however, I am expecting a big change in my life. As Lisa said, I am expecting a miracle. Hang in there! I feel so free for some reason.
I started the Daniel's diet on Monday for spritual life and to get closer to the Lord and because I am taking an exam tomorrow and I need God's help. Also for my family and for a new job. Please keep me in your prayers.
God Bless you
I started the Daniel's Fast last Friday. I call it the feast instead of a fast. I am amazed at how bountiful the fresh fruit and vegetables are. I plan to fast for 7 days now and then 3 a month after January. I have five goals in mind that I need God's guidance on. They are my reasons for the fast. and also a new year resolution to fast 40 days this year. Send prayers my way. JMN
It's been so interesting reading all the comments regarding the Daniel Fast. I have fasted a couple of times for a day for two drinking only water and eating nothing. This Daniel Fast appealed to me because you are able to eat. My desire is to become closer to the Lord, to be focused in my prayer life, and to be obedient to his will. I started fasting with water only January 23 for two days, then had dinner. On January 24, 2007 I began the Daniel Fast with fruits, vegetables, nets, water, tea. I am learning as I go finding out there are other foods I am allowed to eat on the Daniel Fast. I have had no headaches so far, but I do feel hunger at times. Do people on the fast eat when ever they want or just three times a day? My husband is also fasting with me. He started January 26, 2007. We are praying for financial decisions, getting out of debt, our family members, and unsaved loved ones. Is it important to determine how long the fasting will last before starting the fast, or can we decide as we go? Thank you for your prayers and I will be praying for others on the site.
I searched for "Daniel Fast" and found you guys. Our pastor announced this morning that our church will be doing an optional fast, beginning Feb. 1 for 21 days (in addition to nightly prayer at our church for the month). My question is what is the best way to prepare for it?? I only have a few days and know that I will need to wean myself off of caffiene. Any other suggestions? Thank you!
Our church here in ontario Canada is starting a daniel fast Feb. 4th. Its wonderful to see the unity in the body. It seems obvious God is calling the church in this new year to seek him, he wants to do amazing things and we are preparing for it. amen!!!
Hello Kingdom brothers and sisters! My church started a 7 day fast at 12:00 a.m. this morning. My pastor left it up to us, individual members to choose which fast we would do. I chose the Daniel fast and have taylored it a bit by drinking ensure as I have a weight loss problem and I want to maintain my weight as I am very thin. Other than that I am feeling great on day one and am asking God to speak to me regarding some relationship issues as well as I want to see the manifestation of my physical healing! I know God is faithful only if you believe God can do the impossible do agree in prayer with me as I do for each of you.
Wishing you the abundant life,
Amazing, our church just started a 21 day Daniel fast on March 5. I think after the first week it is getting easier. It seems that I found myself focusing so much on the food that I forgot about the purpose of the fast and now that I have put my flesh under subjection, I can focus better. Our fast is total fruits and vegetables only with water and 100%juice. I am not a vegetable eater at all. I tried to make vegetable soup (with vegetable broth) but couldn't eat it. I am now stuck with garden vegetable salads (ugh) and fruit. I think by the end I will be doing an absolute. However, the spiritual part o the fast is now becoming more alive and my discernement has increased. I have also found my tolerance level has lessened for the things that are not of God.
I would just like to add that our church Revelation Church of Word & Deed, Summerville SC we too are fasting during this season of Lent. We started with abstaining from something from our lifestyle, for example too much TV (abstain)
too much fried (abstain), then on the 28th of Mar we will embark on the Daniel Fast for the remaining of the Lent Season. I am so encouraged to see my fellow brothers & sisters in Christ striving for a closer walk with Christ thru prayer, meditation and fasting. I know that God is going to deliver breakthru in whatever area of our lives that we need him to move. I just praise God for each and everyone of you. God Bless/Sis Cathy
I am starting the Daniel Fast on Friday, April 2oth 2007. I attend a Messianic Congregation in Va and we have done the Daniel Fast 2 x's since I started attending. It is a 21 day fast. I have never actually completed all 21 days, so I am excited to do so. I am fasting primarily for health & diet reasons. I have been struggling with gluttony and eating junk food in a response to alot of stress that is going on in my life. I want to turn to HaShem and His son Yeshua with my stress instead of to food as I normally do. I will be doing fruits, vegetables, lowfat dairy, nuts, legumes, and whole grains. I am making a commitment between me and Adonai to do this fast for 21 days. The two times my congregation did this fast I failed to continue with it for the full 21 days. The first time I did it for 7 and the second time I did it for 16. Please pray for me that I will rely on HaShem through this spiritual and physical cleanse. BaShem Yeshua HaMashiach, AMEYN!
May 28,2007.. we start a fast.
40 day I have felt lead to do
the Daniel Fast.. really feel
a great expection of what God, will do at the end in me and others around the world.
we will end on July (7) month
7th day of 2007..
It is a time to draw close to God as well as change one's self.. I have fasted before,
but for some reason sense a deeper meaning this time..
Maybe knowing there are others
doing so at this time..
Maybe it is the reason. and the season..
I have never before experienced and excitment, deep with in as I do now...
Praise the Lord for change,,
40 Days for our Nation, from May 29th - July 7th, 2007
The fast will end with a great gathering in Titan stadium in Nashville. God Bless. I have started the Daniel fast today, Fruits, Veggies and Water only. Praise the Lord. I wish to break the Yoke of bondage in many areas, have a financial miracle and most importantly bring a spirit of revelation to this nation to quit abortion and move from our ways of the evil one.
Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. So the guard took away their choice food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables instead.
I do not understand where fruit comes in. Please email me and let me know the answer. Fruit is mentioned more times than veggies in the bible so it is not an over sight.. But I see this everywhere. And wonder how it came to be.
I have prayed on it and Starting tomorrow I'll be doing a 3 day Daniel fast. I will do water only. I welcome any prayers. I am looking to get this spiritual cleansing to assist me with some major projects I hope to get done by thursday night. God willing I hope to be successful.
I want to introduce myself to you and also ask for your assistance. My name is Susan Gregory and I have been a Christian writer for more than 25 years. Most of my writing has been copywriting for other Christian ministries. I had one book published: Out of the Rat Race.
Recently, the Lord directed me to prepare a weblog about the Daniel Fast, which I have done and continue to add content every day. You can see the weblog at:
The purpose of the weblog is to offer searchers a place where they can learn all they need to know about the Daniel Fast.
I was wondering if you would help me get the word out about the weblog by adding the link as a resource from your site. Over the next many weeks, many people will prepare for a New Year Fast. So my goal is to provide thorough information about the Daniel Fast, especially how to make it a spiritual fast unto the Lord. My hope is that people will draw closer to God as they fast and develop lifelong habits of prayer, Bible study, and daily time with the Lord.
Thanks so much! And God bless you in all that you do!
Susan Gregory
Christian Writer
Ellensburg, WA 98926
My wife has recently developed a cookbook with over 100 Daniel Fast Recipes. We also have an online forum (free). We are are church planters in the Phoenix-metro area. Please stop by the website and check it out, we have free Daniel Fast Recipes there too.
My family and I are starting the daniel fast tomorrow with our church for 21 days. We did this last year and had a wonderful response. I didn't last the whole 21 days, but this year im going to do my best to do it the whole time. Im looking for spiritual growth and to get in better shape and to see my family draw closer to God. Please pray for us as we submit our bodies to God through this time.
Susan, I must apologize, I have been journaling in a notebook since I have been so swamped with school. I would love to put your link on, if I can figure it out. I might have to contact the administrator to do this.
Again I apologize to all who have been fasting and I have not been here to suport you, with words of encouragement and prayers. I will say some prayers for you all who have stopped by and attempted, are on, or completed their fasts. With prayer, fasting can change your lives. Much love through Christ, Ij
about seven years ago i was blessed to go 168 hours on nothing but distilled was a great experience...i have a desire to do it again but haven't had the fortitude to try...when i think of it now the journal i kept convinces me that i made it...i have tried to put my feelings and thoughts into words..i can't express them...let me now how you are doing i will pray for you!!!!!!!!!!!