Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
January 31, 2006
And the rivers ran red
So the period starts. I can’t remember if it’s on time or not, but generally when I fast the period starts. I wonder how it will manifest for the whole 7 days. When I was in high school and fasted it would end super early if I had started during a fast, but these days it seems to make things more profuse. According to one book on fasting, the things that manifest during your fast have more to do with your own body being toxic or out of balance than having to do with a “Fast.”
125 hours left from 168 and 5 hours until I reach day 3. No hunger at the moment. The rain is pouring and it was rather stormy earlier today so I read more fasting information: “Fasting To Freedom, a revolution of body and spirit” by Ron Lagerquist. I’ve read this book many times before it comforts me. Mr. Lagerquist speaks about the whole process, physical, spiritual and many of the healing aspects including the eating issues that accompany those who abuse their body via the process. It’s quite thorough. He has 4 books that you can get through his “Renewed Health” website.
1. Fasting To Freedom
2. Foundation To All Freedom
3. North American Diet
4. Whole Foods & Healing Recipes
My sweetie got the books too and uses the juicing information. I’m pretty basic when I juice: carrots and something, apples, garlic, celery…whatever sounds good at the time I’m juicing and is in the apartment.
My mouth is starting to get that “acetone” state. The tongue is turning white and I can feel that acidotic excitement of my nerve endings. It’s subtle but more pronounced when I try to sleep. I really feel it under my eyelids when I’m sleeping. Mr. Lagerquist talks about how the body goes through and eliminates scar tissues and fatty deposits and dead cells during the fast and I love the thought of that, getting rid of things that don’t assist with the best functionality of my system. It makes the idea of fasting so much more enticing.
I will say that everything in my life has slowed down though in the past couple days. I’m writing more, watching less TV and reading more. I can’t stand the “yelling of TV” right now, or even long drawn out phone conversations about nothing. I’ve been more sequestered. I was going to do Super Bowl here with a friend but she wanted to go to a movie or shopping since almost everyone in Washington State will be watching the game. I bowed out of that, I think this is wonderful historical stuff for Seattle; I was here when they were trying out people for the team! I used to know some of the starting players way back then. Ha ha, my age is showing! Still, it will be nice to spend Super bowl alone because no snacks or sugar drinks etc that traditionally go with the game. I can watch and yell at the end of my fast and maybe the Hawks will win to seal the moment historically for me period!
Another interesting thing about not eating is how much time changes for you. I’m used to sort of passing the segments of the day by my eating. Either I’ve got a couple hours to eat the next small meal or I’m thinking, “Have I had dinner yet, or when’s the last time I ate?” Now you look at the time and it seems like there’s so much more! I know there isn’t really and it isn’t as if I spent an hour eating, but I guess, preparation, or cleaning of dishes or something, especially when you work from home non-traditionally, (well when I work!) There’s really a bit of a lull in the business and such at the moment.
I just remembered that I’ve got some thawed Hamburger meat to cook up tonight. Smells! That will be major temptation for sure, but I know that in 4 days I can have the burgers if I choose. They’ll be cooked and shifted straight to the freezer. Speaking of freezer that’s a good idea to defrost the freezer during this digestinal vacation!
I really think this fast is saving my life somehow, funny.
Well unless I feel like I need to write out any up crops of hunger pangs I guess this will be it for today.
Posted by ijellorca on January 31, 2006 6:27 PM | DIGG | | furl

I so wish I could read your language, I did check out your blog. Thank you for sharing it with me. Hope all is going well for you physically! IJE
Hummm, you make me want to switch to fasting for a week as well. I usually work (at a cell phone assembly plant) 12hs a day - I wonder if I'd feel faint... Well, the best of luck, girl!