Becoming My Passion

Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion

June 10, 2005


Today the Journal wheel suggests LISTS… How appropriate now that I’m trying to workout the specifics of a product to produce! Cool. Amazing how things fall into place!!! I even realized yesterday how much this whole previously considered “fiasco” of ‘losing my job and ending up on (at some point) on unemployment where no one even sniffs at hiring me’ is really a preparatory respite, a second chance, “Do-Over,” if you will. Here is my chance to work my Ass off to get something published even if it’s small and not very significant. It’s also the chance to make something I’ve often thought would be a great idea and try to get it marketed! Yeah! I’m working alright, and since the world doesn’t want me or my stupid previous employer, I’ll work for ME! Hallelujah! Lists….

Things to do for my new “Boo Baby”

1. Get some mock up supplies
2. Check fabric, crafts, hardware stores
3. Research modeling clays/paints
4. Research possible marketing venues
5. Work on daily ritual cards
6. Brainstorm more specifics about the product
7. Check out website designing information and prices
8. Start a journal of precipitating idea and the steps through production
9. Meditate on making this a million dollar product
10. Research how to get a business plan going
11. Find a business mentor or create one!
12. Write out what you want most of all for or from this product, the top 5 things and post it throughout home!
13. See yourself as if you’ve gotten those top 5 things!

Posted by ijellorca on June 10, 2005 9:56 AM | DIGG | | furl

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