Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
June 9, 2005
I'm Excited!
While I sat here in this “no longer on L&I, applying for unemployment, no longer disabled” stupor, I thought to myself: “There’s got to be some way for me to take advantage of my NEWFOUND “healed” status and this excessive time to find work for someone they won’t hire. Of course writing is the first thought, because even though no one seems to want this from me, it’s one thing I can do and do quite well I’m willing to admit these days. So I invested in a book about home based businesses and got this incredible idea today that I’m going to pursue!
I feel energized in a new way! I feel hopeful! For every job that I don’t get means more time pursuing my new venture!
I’m excited!
Posted by ijellorca on June 9, 2005 12:15 PM | DIGG | | furl