Becoming My Passion

Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion

May 30, 2005


Well I felt simply domestic this weekend. I vacuumed and organized freezer, and then cleaned out fridge, then straightened out dining room area. Started laundry got 3 loads done. Made Zucchini bread and smothered squash on Saturday and then BaBaQ’d a few ribs on grilled a small roast and corn on the cob. Everything was done slow and it was fun.

I especially enjoyed doing these things for me only and no one else. That’s rare for me.

Anyways I’m beginning my time as an unemployed person. And all the paperwork associated with it. I almost don’t want to go to my workouts anymore since I’ve been off it a week it’s nice to not have to make the long drive. I just want to go to curves instead, it’s close to home and I can do my own workouts here. I’m getting more and more into working on me. After all what else is there to do? Especially when no one wants you for a job.

Got into a little tiff with G tonight. There are times I just want to be free of everyone in my life! I wish I had the money to just drive off and start anew anywhere but here in my life. I’m going to try to put half of my unemployment away in savings. By the time I get a job I’ll be in better shape!

Floating… I’m just floating!

Posted by ijellorca on May 30, 2005 8:46 PM | DIGG | | furl

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