Becoming My Passion

Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion

March 3, 2005

Day 20 to... (morning)

Decided to try to post throughout the day in hopes to keep myself more in check.

Woke up ate a few cashews (breakfast) drank water took vitamin

Took kids down stairs and felt really good. I don't know if it was the workout or the stretching yesterday or walking more upright on treadmill(which isn't easy with your major stomach and hip fat pulling your back in towards the front of your body and out of alignment!) It took longer but I did it. I need to stretch that's a definite.

Maybe this working out is helping me, we'll see. Already had next meal cottage cheese & pineapple. by noon I'll have a Braunshweiger sandwich. Meanwhile I'm drinking water! yeah! I feel somewhat better.

Posted by ijellorca on March 3, 2005 9:24 AM | DIGG | | furl

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