Becoming My Passion

Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion

October 13, 2004

Day 7 to Change

Weight: 2lbs closer to goal
Food eaten: Watermelon

Exodus: Psychiatrist, Costco warehouse store
Exercise: None

Hygiene: Brushed teeth
Writing: 5 hours on story Ill work on at writers retreat

Chores: rearranged a corner and cleaned it up
Meditation: 30 minutes

I was proud of myself for making it into that warehouse store because they really scare me but I was just about out of toilette tissue. I went really early so I figured Id get the goods and get out. As I was checking out some man brushed into me from behind and I turned terrified but I didnt scream. I started sweating and could feel myself not breathing. I tensed every muscle and bee-lined for the out door. I felt like everyone was staring at me, and the beads of sweat on my forehead. I felt sick to my stomach. Id already felt like throwing up from the crazy traffic going to the Psychiatrists office. Usually when I leave my appointments I seek out greasy, creepy fast food. This time I came straight home.

Surprisingly, I didnt throw up. Later I ate some fresh watermelon. My stomach is feeling a little queasy still but Ive kept it down. Its 1pm so still plenty of time to eat something but not likely to go near a food joint. Ive balanced the checkbook and theres nothing to play with anyways.

Last night I decided that Ive been focusing too much on whether people will like my work or not instead of just writing. Ive gotten myself so twisted that when people tell me they like my writing I immediately write them off as unknowledgeable. Yeah, even people with a couple degrees! Im silly, now I see this. I have to believe in my writing, just like my self worth, to get the respect I deserve and my work deserves!

I may not have a degree, I may not have a job, I may not have children and my sweetie doesnt even live in this state! I may not have money, a new car, new clothes or a great figure but I know who to sling a word or two! (Of course the disclaimer is that I may hate myself, and my writing by 7pm tonight but for now) I deserve more than that ratty old retreat has to offer, but Ill let them offer me a spot in their sessions! I have more talent in one of my fingers and my mind than most writers being published today! (hahaha, not to be too arrogant! I wish I believed this wholeheartedly, wouldnt that be something!) Confidence. It must be as warm and toasty as an electric blanket!

I only got a couple hours of sleep today so Im checking out to dream of my time at the retreat! Im pretty tired after writing all morning. If I can get back I will.

Posted by ijellorca on October 13, 2004 1:26 PM | DIGG | | furl

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