Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion
October 25, 2004
Day 10 to Change
Food eaten:
So far Ive started my day with slim in six. The first 5 minutes! Its not much but thats just for the start of the day. I can hit resume on the Dvd and continue in an hour or so. Im going at my own pace instead of trying to keep up with the people on the screen.
Its 42 degrees outside. Its just now 58 degrees inside. Ive got the heater plugged in but for some reason I cant seem to bring myself to turn it on. Im wondering if its my way of punishing myself for being so pathetic and fat. I wonder if its like when people cut themselves. Some little thing you do to make yourself pay for not being as normal as everyone else or as good. Ive never been able to cut myself but I do treat myself as if I dont matter. I dont take showers for extended periods not because I want to smell but because I just dont think Im worth the trouble it takes to make myself appealing in any way. My hair sits under hats or pinned up. I forget to eat or eat without caring. Its no wonder my metabolism is shot. I dont seem to want to do anything thats good for me. I wish I could disappear completely without any repercussions. I dont know if Id actually miss my life. Its not that I dont appreciate it, then again, maybe I dont.
There are times that Im just certain other people would look at my apartment and be absolutely grateful for its placement, size, and the items that inhabit it, but then I feel crowded and misplaced and unnecessary and disconnected. I dont know how it is that you can feel so good about being alone and then feel so lonely. Ah, well. Ill write later after I do some running around and the pooch gets her business done.
Posted by ijellorca on October 25, 2004 9:52 AM | DIGG | | furl

Hi sweet gal,I hope you are still around so you see this and that perhaps you'll return to journaling here.I can't believe the dismissive way the police, your employer, doctors, therapist, police again, treated you after you were beaten, especially on the job.You DESERVED BETTER.And that you were abused as a child....I'm so sorry. I would imagine all the current abuse brought up issues with that. Heck if I were in your shoes I might not step outside either!We know better, we have to get out at least every few days or it seems too wierd. I have fibromyalgia (visit my diary here 'My life with F...'.), and the overwhelming pain, fatigue, total lack of sleep, and fibro fog (like brain farts!), and now major depressive disorder, so they say. I can totally relate to staying in bed for days, and not showering as much as I used to and not wanting to do anything. I'm so glad you have your dog. I missed his name? Are you still thinking of a 2nd dog? Though it would be company for your other dog, remember both dogs are your responsibility and caring for 2 could be draining. Or it could be spirit boosting. guess you don't know til you try. I truly hope to read more here and follow up with you. Hugs and Blessings, Judy