Becoming My Passion

Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion

September 26, 2004

Another shut in weekend

Well short of driving my brother home last night I didnt venture out. I didnt even take a shower! I felt creepy all day but I just didnt have it in me to get in the shower. I didnt eat much today though. I did splurge on ice cream though. Its been a few months since Ive wanted it. Ive been trying to get more water down. I want it ice cold.

I really feel uncomfortable when I"m home for several days straight because I don't want to go out anymore and I'm terrified of becoming full fledged agoraphobic, but I'm a step from it everyday. If I didn't have my dog urging me to go outside I'd never get outside. The bad or good thing is she can go out to the field all by herself do her business. I've got to get my head straightened out about what I can do, what I want to do and what I will do despite my fears!

Anyways tomorrows Monday morning. Tomorrow Ill get more of my posting format down. Ill start each post with my weight change or no change and the eating Ive done or not done. Ill list my abilities to get outside or not and why or how Im feeling. Ill list my goals for the day.
Tomorrow, always tomorrows a new day to benormal.

Posted by ijellorca on September 26, 2004 9:36 PM | DIGG | | furl

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