August 16, 2004

Wow. So I'm looking around,

Wow. So I'm looking around, click on my blog, and guess what ad I see?

Great deals on new and used items.
Search for cutting now! -aff


So on a whim I click the link, which takes me here. Yeah, that'll get the job done. And only $299.00 too! But shipping... shipping is 19 bucks. No way I'm shelling out that kind of cash.

Besides, I then run across the company name, nestled in the special instructions section that Ebay idolizes.

Please send paypal payments to

Toolsteal? I'm sorry, I'm just interested in a little bloodshed in the interest of self-mutilation. No stealing for me.

Actually, I hate that term, self-mutilation. But I saw The Bourne Supremacy today and all that bloody nut-kicking action has made me temporarily immune to the willies I get from icky-sounding words.

Yes, I cut myself and blood creeps me out. Makes sense, right? I think I only have a problem with blood when it's associated with a loss of control. The fact that I control my bleeding makes cutting all the more attractive to my unorthodox mind. Seriously. If you can control that, what else is there?

Posted by Maya on August 16, 2004 09:55 PM


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