August 06, 2004

Well, the recent comment has

Well, the recent comment has convinced me that I'm not talking to myself, alone in the dark. Thanks Judy!

So here I am, another day, another dollar. I'm fruitlessly trying to learn how to work web databases and wondering if I'll have a source of income when college rolls around. I won't miss my job, but I don't want to call my parents for money either. The interest on my savings account went up, so I guess that's something to smile about.

My boyfriend is being hardcore about trying to help me eat healthily, but all it's doing is making me cave, letting me lean on him entirely. We're going on trips tomorrow and the next day, both his idea, so maybe he's starting to pull out of his depression. He has to be the one to do it, what with refusing medical, familial, and girlfriend assistance.

We're going to an outlet mall tomorrow that's an hour away. That sounds terrible, but it's a colorful and fun place to be. They have everything from the Bible Factory Outlet to the Bamboo Outlet. I've only been once and he's never been, so it should be fun, for such a commercial outing. Then, the next day, we're going to have a picnic by a waterfall and go swimming. Once we're worn out, it's over to his place to play video games all afternoon. I've never had a romantic weekend like this, full of special things and one special person.

I hope I won't ruin it somehow.

Posted by Maya on August 6, 2004 09:09 PM


Hi Maya : )I hope you and your fella have a wonderful couple of days away from it all. (mostly)Since I wrote you before, I've been to my counselor and I asked her how I parent Jen now that Jen has moved out with a friend. Her answer: I don't. What???!!! I don't PARENT anymore???!!! is the time we build our adult relationship......... Scary territory for me as Mom, Jen's loving the concept. Your folks are also having a hard time letting go of you I'm sure and you are ready to go and try things on your own. Just thought I'd share this story with you.and oh,....a picnic by a waterfall....I'm so jealous!!All the best, hugs, Judy

Posted by: Judy in AZ at August 10, 2004 10:46 PM

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