August 12, 2004

Well, I've been writng more

Well, I've been writng more so I haven't needed to blog so much. It's a little depressing that I'm spending so much time on something that, even if I get it published, will never sell well. But on I press, a starving, misunderstood artist.

Leaving for college in less than two weeks has made me eerily bratty. I'm sensitive to the slightest offense, and burst into tears when my anger is addressed. I suppose that's par for the course, but I'd been so ready, so eager, it scares me now to think that maybe I wasn't healed, and was just trying to keep to a schedule.

On the menu of this blogging too there's a button that says "<-- Back to Dashboard" and that's where I feel like I should be going. Back to the drawing board.

I really need a therapist who listens more than she talks. Serial killers talk to therapists, why should I have to feel weird candidly telling someone about something as mundane as sad thoughts?

Posted by Maya on August 12, 2004 10:50 PM


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