April 12, 2005
To Picc and choose.
To Picc and choose.
March 10,2005. Just came back from my Lyme God meeting, which was at the 6-month point of IV treatment for the lyme. Seems we have a grip on the lyme but now we must address the 2 other ailments I'm plagued with. BABESIOSIS and SEVERE YEAST infection. The babesia is a parasite infection similar to Malaria! Unbelievable. The yeast is not what one may think of yeast infections, this is in my Brain, which is making me feel like shit, combined with the babesia crap, which attacks my red blood cells and basically also makes me feel like shit. So it's time for the next round on IV treatment. 500mg of Zithromax daily combined with 750mg of Mepron,YUK !!!(Just switched to Malarone pills yesterday), also 2 million units of Nystatin for the yeast, Toprol 50mg for my heart which I will get more into that in a moment so don't go away yet, combined with the Effexor, Diflucan, Minocycline, Ambien, Carbatrol, Provigil, etc.. Daily doses of course. Lets get to the good stuff. March 15, 2005 I had an appointment to get my first infusion of the Zithromax, which needed to be down in a hospital in case of an allergic reaction. I went to the hospital that put the Picc line in back in sept.2004. I arrived at the facility, checked in, and then waited. I was called in 10 minutes later. Now my wife arrives and we were speaking to the doctor as he was preparing. I immediately told him that my picc line was horribly done and I was having alot of problems with it in relation to my heart for which I never had prior to the line being put in, and I wanted fixed while I was there! " Ya-Ya ok we'll get an x-ray before you leave to see the placement of the line" he said. Infusion activate. The button is pushed and the fluid flows into my body."Ring, Ring" the phone screams out. I remember listening to his 30-minute conversation and it was driving me NUTS. He would burst out in laughter that would pierce my ears. I would say 10 or so minutes into the infusion, my heart really started flipping out and the nausea and irritability kicked in, with my right hand now holding up my head as I rapidly declined. But hey, the Doc was having a grand ole time on the phone to notice. 30 minutes or so into it he came over to me and for the first time asked how I was doing. I told him my heart, my heart. Quick check with the stethoscope yielded PANIC! At this point I went into shock, hyperventilating, convulsing the whole nine yards baby, which I must say was quite a joy for my wife to witness. Trauma, Life in the E.R., well it seemed like that sitcom, can't recall alot but it was real bad, that much I do recall. I got transferred to another hospital that night, one that wouldn't kill me. Apparently what happened that dreadful day and night, was the Picc line that I mentioned prior was located in my right ventricle of my heart at which time the med's entered, now after 6 months of this line being there with all the infusions over that time kind of messed things up a little bit, now the Zithromax entered the scene which is a very irritating drug, and fried my Perkinsy Tissues which are responsible for creating the electrical signal for my heart contraction. Bottom line, I SHOULD NOT HAVE SURVIVED THIS !! But I did and I know why. I now know what my purpose is in life. To help others with this disease, as I have been doing all along. I ended up getting a new Picc line put in from a much better hospital, and the funny thing is the Picc line they removed was 65 centimeters long, the new one, 53 centimeters. Hmmmm seems much smaller to me. The old line had 9 cm sticking out of my arm, BIG NO NO. Max. Amount should be 3cm. Now I have to go to a special Cardiologist to deal with the mess. Ok when will I get my first infusion done? First attempt failed, second attempt at the other hospital failed, they would not take the chance. I'm a marked man. March 22,2005 Third attempt, now at my local hospital with my doctors, 7:30 am What a killer that was to get out of bed for, but I did and my Father in law drove me so closure can be made and I can begin my daily infusions for the next 3 months at home. Not so fast young man. I get there, register, sent to the room, meet the nurse, which the room is located in the ER, I told the nurse my history, gave my med list etc. After 30 minutes of me sitting in the room she returned to tell me they would not infuse me because the other hospital, (the one that killed me) said I had an allergic reaction to the drug WRONG!! You got to be kidding me, I said to the nurse. I realized I would not get anywhere flipping out on her, so I politely said goodbye and left. Out to the cold I go waiting, for I did not drive there. Thank God for cell phones. I picked mine out of my pocket and calmly dialed my Doctor's office. After demanding to speak with him, which only took 5 seconds, he picked up. I cannot write what I said because, well think about it. WHEN AM I GETTING MY INFUSION IS ALL I WANT TO HEAR OUT OF YOUR MOUTH RIGHT NOW, WELL JAMES, NO NO WHEN, WHEN, IF YOU LET ME SPEAK, OK GO AHEAD. Blah Blah. I sat and waited 1 1/2 hours in the parking lot freezing my ass off, then I had a thought as I was sitting on a curb starring down at all the sand from the winter's maintenance and it was then I realized. I am just a mere spec of sand in the beaches of the world. Well I got my infusion the next day same place same time. DONE! Next day I dragged myself to the first Lyme Disease meeting held at town hall which consisted of a panel of Doctors, and Politicians, to hear the peoples stories, the Doctor's spoke first which was nothing but a bunch a crap. My hand was raised and I was the first one call upon to address the panel. I have never done anything like this before, but I approached the table, had a seat, and began to speak. I SHOCKED THE WORLD THAT DAY. I spoke for about 30 minutes not about myself, about the fact that people who are misdiagnosed are being killed by their treatments. That opened all their eyes. Just so happen the biggest News Channel was there to cover it. I was a Star that day. It was a very magical moment for me. Needless to say, I made the news that night and alot of newspapers. The best part of it is, I probably saved someone's life... My mission continues. Praise The Lord Jesus Christ for he is real ...
Posted by Jamie on April 12, 2005 12:55 PM
I am so proud of you for standing up. Way to go Jamie! I remember going to a simular meeting in the area I live and got the same line of crap from the CDC.
Posted by: Lizzie at May 20, 2005 04:56 PM
Hi Jamie,
I hope this message finds you feeling better. I found a new blog site developed by a man who has lyme. It is very new and he would really like to get other lymies to share there stories. lymeblog.com
God bless you!
Posted by: Lizzie at June 20, 2005 04:39 PM
How did you discover you had Lyme? Did you see the tick bite on your skin, or was it after feeling an array of weird symptoms for some time? Just curious, as I've been sick for three years upon coming home from Thialand in 2002, and feel like I'm being misdiagnosed because I am not explaining my symtoms adequate enough, etc. Iv'e been to a handful of throat/nose/ear specialists,and a few doctors, and keep getting told that I have anxiety about my health, which I'm on anti-depressants for. But it's been three years and I have switched anti-depressants, am not drinking, and still fell a lot of odd symptoms: like tingling on the left side of my head above my ear, spot headaches, noises are intensified, feel like I have a chronic lung infection... etc. I'm going to see my new Doctor agian in Vancouver who I fear thinks I'm a little 'twacked' as this is my 3rd or fourth visit to him and no progress has been made on a diagnosis. Just curious as to how your diagnosis came about and if you had requested getting tested for lyme.
Sincerely, Alannah
Posted by: Alannah at January 9, 2006 02:10 AM