April 7, 2005

Feelings While Coming off Valtrex

Well, it's time for a post that talks about how I feel instead of details of treatment.

I feel isolated, isolated, isolated. Since we're still searching for a new daycare for our 22-month old, N, I am home every weekday taking care of him. While I adore the little guy, I'm not the type to relish spending every day alone with a child. I need adult stimulation. Not only that but I didn't realize that N would take more physical energy as he got older - duh! As a result of the Lyme fatigue, I'm lucky if I can walk N down to library for story hour once a week let alone meet other Moms for playdates.

This is all coming at a time when I feel so ready to advancing my writing career. I phoned K to come home an hour early from work today. He made some phone calls to possible daycare providers. I felt a bit uplifted at progress being made. I felt like I was wading through quicksand to call the providers on the last list we got from the county.

I have been feeling depressed. It's takes so much effort to get good food on the table for dinner and that used to be my creative outlet. I love cooking. I think I'm just building up more fatigue each week I'm home with N. Eventually we'll find a good daycare and I'll have my two days to do interviews and write profiles and visit various doctors.

That said, I am also grateful that I have a loving, supportive husband, a beautiful son, a lovely home with a beautiful garden, organic food to cook, parents nearby (mind just recently agreed to watch Nathan on Fridays at their house), the health and abilities I do have (I'm not in pain anymore, I can watch my son while we look for new day care.) I get care from awesome doctors, too. I have my first appointment with a new acupuncturist tomorrow. I think that will be a great way to build my immune system.

All for now …

Posted by LymeMom on April 7, 2005 9:28 PM

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