October 5, 2004
The Starting Gun
Some Lyme disease comes on fast and hard. Some comes on slowly. I theorize it depends on which strain of borreliosis it is - what its life cycle is. Some have a long life cycle some a short one. Everybody reacts differently possibly based on which systems are the most vulnerable.
My illness came on slowly - over a period of several years. I had my first symptom in April of 1997. It was an itchy spot which grew into a rashy patch when I scratched it. It slowly became worse and spread over most of my body. The allergist controlled it with prednisone - which coincidentally depleted my bones. Then he told me he didn't know what else to do for me and sent me back to my own useless primary doctor.
I tried acupuncture to no avail. I switched doctors - tried one who was a "nutritionist" and relied on natural treatments when possible. I continued to have increasing problems - hormone dysfunction, then adrenal insufficiency. Problems seemed to just come out of nowhere. I had always been a healthy strong individual. This was just unbelievable. How could my body all of a sudden after all these years suddenly fail me this way?
Posted by Laureen on October 5, 2004 11:38 AM