January 11, 2005
In A Big Rush
It does no good to be in a big rush to recover from Lyme. Some of the spirochetes have an amazingly long life cycle. According to Tom Grier (I’m going by memory here – as defective as it is) some spirochetes live a year and a half or more. Others can go into stasis for many years. And while they are surviving in your body, they can be hiding in a perfectly safe place – like your central nervous system (brain, spinal cord). The white cells (lymphocytes – the cells that “eat” foreign material) of your immune system can’t cross the blood-brain barrier. So Lyme has a safe place to hide. Current allopathic (common western medicine) treatment includes antibiotics or other treatments over a period of years. Unfortunately, doctors who treat this way may run afoul of the Medical and Insurance Establishments and can actually lose their licenses and be dropped from insurance plans.
I recently heard a term used that set me to thinking. The term was, “the body's cellular immune system”. The human body evolved with the ability to protect itself from diseases. Healing the body’s “inner terrain” will encourage the body’s natural ability to heal itself. So this message seems to be “heal your self and your self will heal itself.” I’ll get back to you on this.
Posted by Laureen on January 11, 2005 2:02 PM