September 15, 2009
Narcotic addiction as a result
Hi :) it has been a LONG time since I have done an update. I am feeling ok most of the time lately but I have a BIG issue that I do not know how to resolve. I am taking this to the people who used to read this regularly in hopes that at some point you will see it and be able to understand what I am dealing with.
When I first started this blog about living with lupus I did not know how much it was really going to change my life. I have always been active and energetic and that changed, I have always been vain and that changed, I have always been optimistic and that has NOT changed fortunately. I have always said there were a few things lupus can not take away from me. My personality is one, my optimism is two and that fact that I am a raging liberal is the last one. LOL. I had posted an entry in 06 about painkillers. Now here I am in 09 addicted to perscription pain killers. My husband wants me to go to detox and I am scared. I need pain medication to get through the day, the reason I started taking so much is that it was not effective anymore having been on it for so long. I know I am an addict now also! I do not know what to do or how to handle it. Any suggestions would be fantastic. I feel like if I get off them totally I will not have any quality of life yet I feel like I am doing alot of harm to my body by taking as much as I take. There is no happy medium for me. I will update more later but wanted to stop and say HI and HELP me :)
Posted by Lisa on September 15, 2009 10:46 AM