January 26, 2006
Too little sleep-too much pain
Stress=pain with lupus-that is drilled into your head when you have lupus. Over and over again you hear the same thing-STRESS=PAIN. Do not get stressed out, relax relax relax. The problem is no one ever tells you how to do that. How do you relax when you are in debt, overworked, exhausted, and do not see a bright spot anywhere? Maybe I will learn how to do that but right now I do not know how it is done and more important-no one has told me how to do it :)
I have not slept more that 4 hours a night all week-I am tired, stressed, hurting, and did I mention HURTING? This is awful. Some days I get so depressed over the way I feel that I wonder why I even bother getting out of bed. I used to be the mom who had everyone over and played HARD with all the kids-mine and everyone elses. My friends always wondered where I got the energy to play with the kids, keep my house like a museum, cook, work, study and now I do not have the energy to simply get through the day at work. I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!! If I sound angry today it is because I am. My kids deserve a mother who is not tired all the time!! I do not know how to deal with the lack of energy part of dealing with life with lupus. You would think by now I would have it all figured out but I don't. All I know for sure is IT SUCKS!!
If you have any tips that you think would help please feel free to leave me a comment and let me know-thanks :)
And remember in the words of Martin Luther King Jr.- "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Have a great day everyone :)
Posted by Lisa on January 26, 2006 2:05 AM
I'm a NEWBIE-newly diagnoised. I take RELAX to the next level. I still work and in the evening I'm tired. To help myself relax I shop for groceries online, cook for the week on Sunday. I teach my kids to help out--that means things won't be perfect like they use to be. If I don't feel like it I don't. I hang a sign on my door that says ON A MINI VACATION and I take it. You can't worry about the things you can't change. I'm down sizing my life and house throwing it all away so I have less to worry about and clean. Just change how you look at things.
Posted by: Luppie Mom at January 29, 2006 3:17 PM