January 24, 2006
Living La Vida Lupus in Paradise
Hi! It has been awhile.............I do not even know where to start so much has been going on in my life lately. I think I should start with yesterday-I spent ALL day at the hospital here in Naples. Turns out I have two gastric ulcers and have to go see a doctor for them.....ugh. The week before last-I had pink-eye in both eyes and could not see for two days and found out that there is another lesion on the retina of my right eye-this makes seven lesions on that retina.
The good news in my life lately-I got a raise and a promotion at work so I must be doing something right! :)
I am not adjusting too well to life in Naples-the people are nothing like the people at home or even like the people in the Keys. It is just SNOBBY here and I do not fit in. Of course the stress from that is not helping the lupus at all. I am going to make a doctor appointment today and try to get this back under control. This disproves my theory that my lupus was geographical in nature. I really thought since I got sick at home (in West Virginia) that I would be better if I moved back to Florida and part of that logic is correct-I am not as swollen as I would be up north in the winter but I am not any better either............and going without my meds since July has not been a great idea either. :( I was reading a story about a lady with lupus who basically did the same things I have done as far as going off the meds and moving thinking that would fix it. The cold hard truth is-I CAN NOT FIX LUPUS-I can not make it go away and I can not will it away by ignoring it. I can tell the truth about it but I can not seem to remember the truth for long.... some fools never learn. :)
I hope to update more-it has been hard with working ten hour days and all-I hope everyone is well........take care.
Posted by Lisa on January 24, 2006 02:11 AM