October 09, 2005
Long time no see
Hi all, it has been a long time. I am trying hard to adjust to life in Naples and I have been having some health issues (as you might imagine)lupus does not take a vacation I am finding.
I went to the eye doctor here (needed new contacts) and she found 6 lesions on my right eye on the retina. She wants me to go see a retinologist however I like many americans, have no health insurance and certainly not enough money to go to one, so I do not know the full effects of the lesions on my eye.
There is not insurance offered where I work now so I have been without my meds for over a month now and it is getting worse daily, yet there is nothing I can do. We do not qualify for medicaid (too much money) and we have no insurance offered through our jobs. I have a chronic condition so we can not get a private policy-any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This has really been alot worse than I thought it would be.
When I was first diagnosed alot of my friends felt bad for me and I told them-don't feel bad for me, I have great insurance,unlike most americans, and I have great doctors to help me. Now I have neither and it is scary to have a chronic condition and no way to get treatment of any kind.
I have no pain meds, no anti inflam meds, no thyroid meds-nothing. If I ever wondered if I needed to be on the many meds I was on, that question has been cleared up.
Other than that the kids and the hubby seem to be settling into Naples real well. We are doing pretty good as far as adjusting and I think my mother in law is thrilled to have her only son living in the same town as her again. It has been really hard on her since my father in law passed away and we are happy to be able to be here for her.
I will try to update more frequently but it is really hard-my hands hurt just from this little bit of typing and I am weak from sitting up. It takes all my energy to go to work-my house is in shambles and everything else falls by the wayside-right now every ounce of energy I have is used to go to work-need the paycheck LOL.
Take care everyone and namaste!
Posted by Lisa on October 9, 2005 06:10 AM
Have you tried seeing if any of the companies that make the drugs you normally take have low to no cost direct purchase plans. You would be surprised how many companies have plans like that. I even saw an ad for pfizer that mentioned them.
good luck!
Posted by: workingmom at October 15, 2005 08:34 PM